Petasites frigidus var. palmatus (Aiton) Cronquistpalmate coltsfootPetasites palmatusRoche Lake and vicinityBase of forested ridge along edge of muskeg
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamissohooded ladies'-tressesspiranthe de RomanzoffromanzoffianaRoche Lake...
Ribes triste Pallasswamp red currant;wild red currant;American red currantgadellier amer;gadellier r...
Equisetum arvense Linnaeusfield horsetail;common horsetail;common field horsetailprêle des champs;qu...
Petasites frigidus (Linnaeus) Friesarctic sweet coltsfoot;northern sweet coltsfoot;arctic butterburP...
Luzula rufescens Fisher ex E. Meyerrusty woodrushluzule roussâtrerufescensRoche Lake and VicinityBas...
Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G.L. NesomAster modestusRoche Lake and vicinitybase of forested ridge...
Hieracium umbellatum Linnaeusumbellate hawkweedHieracium canadenseRoche Lake and vicinityBase of for...
Petasites frigidus var. palmatus (Aiton) Cronquistpalmate coltsfootPetasites palmatusin Scotford san...
Equisetum sylvaticum Linnaeuswoodland horsetail;wood horsetailprêle des boisEquisetum sylvaticumRoch...
Botrypus virginianus (Linnaeus) Michauxrattlesnake fernbotryche de VirginieBotrychium virginianumRoc...
Dactylorhiza viridis (Linnaeus) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chasefrog orchidorchis grenouilleHaben...
Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesquespotted coralrootcorallorhize maculéeRoche Lake and vic...
Ranunculus macounii BrittonMacoun's buttercuprenoncule de MacounRoche Lake and vicinityBase of fores...
Petasites frigidus var. sagittatus (Pursh) Cherniawskyarrow-leaved coltsfootPetasites sagittatusRoch...
Linnaea borealis Linnaeustwinflower;northern twinflower;pink bellsLinnaea borealisRoche Lake and vic...
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamissohooded ladies'-tressesspiranthe de RomanzoffromanzoffianaRoche Lake...
Ribes triste Pallasswamp red currant;wild red currant;American red currantgadellier amer;gadellier r...
Equisetum arvense Linnaeusfield horsetail;common horsetail;common field horsetailprêle des champs;qu...
Petasites frigidus (Linnaeus) Friesarctic sweet coltsfoot;northern sweet coltsfoot;arctic butterburP...
Luzula rufescens Fisher ex E. Meyerrusty woodrushluzule roussâtrerufescensRoche Lake and VicinityBas...
Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G.L. NesomAster modestusRoche Lake and vicinitybase of forested ridge...
Hieracium umbellatum Linnaeusumbellate hawkweedHieracium canadenseRoche Lake and vicinityBase of for...
Petasites frigidus var. palmatus (Aiton) Cronquistpalmate coltsfootPetasites palmatusin Scotford san...
Equisetum sylvaticum Linnaeuswoodland horsetail;wood horsetailprêle des boisEquisetum sylvaticumRoch...
Botrypus virginianus (Linnaeus) Michauxrattlesnake fernbotryche de VirginieBotrychium virginianumRoc...
Dactylorhiza viridis (Linnaeus) R.M. Bateman, Pridgeon & M.W. Chasefrog orchidorchis grenouilleHaben...
Corallorhiza maculata (Rafinesque) Rafinesquespotted coralrootcorallorhize maculéeRoche Lake and vic...
Ranunculus macounii BrittonMacoun's buttercuprenoncule de MacounRoche Lake and vicinityBase of fores...
Petasites frigidus var. sagittatus (Pursh) Cherniawskyarrow-leaved coltsfootPetasites sagittatusRoch...
Linnaea borealis Linnaeustwinflower;northern twinflower;pink bellsLinnaea borealisRoche Lake and vic...
Spiranthes romanzoffiana Chamissohooded ladies'-tressesspiranthe de RomanzoffromanzoffianaRoche Lake...
Ribes triste Pallasswamp red currant;wild red currant;American red currantgadellier amer;gadellier r...
Equisetum arvense Linnaeusfield horsetail;common horsetail;common field horsetailprêle des champs;qu...