Poa glauca subsp. rupicola (Nash) W.A. Webertimberline bluegrasspâturin des rochersPoa rupicolacrest of Sweeney PeakScattered thinly across the whole crest9100 fee
Saxifraga cernua Linnaeusnodding saxifrage;drooping saxifrage;bulblet saxifrage;bulbous saxifragesax...
Erythranthe guttata (Fischer ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesomseep monkeyflowermimule tachetéMimulus guttat...
Sorbus scopulina GreeneGreene's mountain-ash;rock mountain-ash;western mountain-ashsorbier de Greene...
Poa glauca subsp. rupicola (Nash) W.A. Webertimberline bluegrasspâturin des rochersPoa rupicolaFordh...
Claytonia lanceolata Purshwestern spring beautyclaytonie lancéoléeSoutheast ridge of Mt. Glendowandr...
Carex rupestris Allionirock sedge;curly sedgecarex des rochers;laiche des rochersCarex rupestrisRuby...
Poa glauca Vahlglaucous bluegrass;upland bluegrass;white bluegrassglaucaMountain Park, back of Miner...
Oenothera suffrutescens (Seringe) W.L. Wagner & Hochscarlet gauragaura écarlateGaura coccineaCardsto...
Dryas octopetala Linnaeuseight-petalled mountain avensdryade à huit pétalesStoney Creekopen rocky pl...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeuscampanule à feuilles rondes;campanule à feuille rondeCampanula rotund...
Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumRuby Lakedry N.E. hillside meadow...
Lithospermum ruderale Douglas ex LehmannColumbia puccoon;western puccoon;woolly puccoon;western grom...
Poa palustris Linnaeusfowl bluegrass;fowl meadow grass;swamp bluegrasspâturin des marais;pâturin pal...
Saxifraga cernua Linnaeusnodding saxifrage;drooping saxifrage;bulblet saxifrage;bulbous saxifragesax...
Erythranthe guttata (Fischer ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesomseep monkeyflowermimule tachetéMimulus guttat...
Sorbus scopulina GreeneGreene's mountain-ash;rock mountain-ash;western mountain-ashsorbier de Greene...
Poa glauca subsp. rupicola (Nash) W.A. Webertimberline bluegrasspâturin des rochersPoa rupicolaFordh...
Claytonia lanceolata Purshwestern spring beautyclaytonie lancéoléeSoutheast ridge of Mt. Glendowandr...
Carex rupestris Allionirock sedge;curly sedgecarex des rochers;laiche des rochersCarex rupestrisRuby...
Poa glauca Vahlglaucous bluegrass;upland bluegrass;white bluegrassglaucaMountain Park, back of Miner...
Oenothera suffrutescens (Seringe) W.L. Wagner & Hochscarlet gauragaura écarlateGaura coccineaCardsto...
Dryas octopetala Linnaeuseight-petalled mountain avensdryade à huit pétalesStoney Creekopen rocky pl...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeuscampanule à feuilles rondes;campanule à feuille rondeCampanula rotund...
Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumRuby Lakedry N.E. hillside meadow...
Lithospermum ruderale Douglas ex LehmannColumbia puccoon;western puccoon;woolly puccoon;western grom...
Poa palustris Linnaeusfowl bluegrass;fowl meadow grass;swamp bluegrasspâturin des marais;pâturin pal...
Saxifraga cernua Linnaeusnodding saxifrage;drooping saxifrage;bulblet saxifrage;bulbous saxifragesax...
Erythranthe guttata (Fischer ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesomseep monkeyflowermimule tachetéMimulus guttat...
Sorbus scopulina GreeneGreene's mountain-ash;rock mountain-ash;western mountain-ashsorbier de Greene...