Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumRidge south of Lone Lake, south of lakeshale crest7200 fee
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhiteflower willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinumBer...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Aquilegia flavescens S. Watsonyellow columbineancolie jauneflavescensWestcastle, Gravenstafel Lakete...
Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumRuby Lakedry N.E. hillside meadow...
Astragalus alpinus Linnaeusalpine milk-vetchAstragalus alpinusCrypt Lakemoist meadow above scree slo...
Allium cernuum RothNodding Onionail penchéWaterton Lakes National Park, Lone Lake south of ridgeShal...
Chamerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli subsp. Angustifoliumfireweedépilobe à feuilles étroitesEp...
Allium schoenoprasum LinnaeusWild Chivesciboulette communeWestcastle, Gravenstafel LakeTerminal morr...
Silene acaulis (Linnaeus) Jacquinmoss campion;cushion pinksilène acauleSilene acaulisridge south of ...
Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydbergwhite globeflowertrolle à fleur blancheTrollius laxusLost Lakew...
Juniperus communis Linnaeuscommon juniper;dwarf juniper;ground juniper;low junipergenévrier commun;g...
Poa alpina Linnaeusalpine bluegrassalpinaRuby Lakemossy shaded edge of spring6800 fee
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhiteflower willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinumBer...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Aquilegia flavescens S. Watsonyellow columbineancolie jauneflavescensWestcastle, Gravenstafel Lakete...
Phleum alpinum Linnaeusalpine timothyfléole alpinePhleum commutatumRuby Lakedry N.E. hillside meadow...
Astragalus alpinus Linnaeusalpine milk-vetchAstragalus alpinusCrypt Lakemoist meadow above scree slo...
Allium cernuum RothNodding Onionail penchéWaterton Lakes National Park, Lone Lake south of ridgeShal...
Chamerion angustifolium (Linnaeus) Scopoli subsp. Angustifoliumfireweedépilobe à feuilles étroitesEp...
Allium schoenoprasum LinnaeusWild Chivesciboulette communeWestcastle, Gravenstafel LakeTerminal morr...
Silene acaulis (Linnaeus) Jacquinmoss campion;cushion pinksilène acauleSilene acaulisridge south of ...
Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydbergwhite globeflowertrolle à fleur blancheTrollius laxusLost Lakew...
Juniperus communis Linnaeuscommon juniper;dwarf juniper;ground juniper;low junipergenévrier commun;g...
Poa alpina Linnaeusalpine bluegrassalpinaRuby Lakemossy shaded edge of spring6800 fee
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhiteflower willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinumBer...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Aquilegia flavescens S. Watsonyellow columbineancolie jauneflavescensWestcastle, Gravenstafel Lakete...