Festuca ovina Linnaeussheep fescuefétuque ovine;fétuque des moutonsovinaSW ridge Gravenstafel Ridge, West Castle.Shale scree slope along ridge, W facing, exposed to wind.7000 fee
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseWestcastle; Gravenstafel Ridgerocky ...
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhiteflower willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinumWes...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaRa...
Potentilla ovina J.M. Macounsheep cinquefoilpotentille des moutonsRough fescue ridgeScattered on the...
Festuca ovina Linnaeussheep fescuefétuque ovine;fétuque des moutonsovinaCarlton Ridge E below Lolo P...
Silene acaulis (Linnaeus) Jacquinmoss campion;cushion pinksilène acauleSilene acaulisSW ridge Graven...
Rumex acetosa Linnaeusgarden sorrel;green sorrel;meadow sorrel;common sorrel;sour dockgrande oseille...
Micranthes occidentalis (S. Watson) Smallwestern saxifragesaxifrage de l'OuestSaxifraga occidentalis...
Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron violaceumE. side Gra...
Dryas octopetala Linnaeuseight-petalled mountain avensdryade à huit pétalesE. side Gravenstafel Ridg...
Phacelia sericea (Graham) A. Graysilky phaceliaphacélie soyeuseGravenstafel Ridge, West CastleRocky ...
S.W. ridge of Gravenstafel Ridge, West CastleShale scree slope along ridge, W. facing, exposed to wi...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiGravenstafel Ridge, We...
Saussurea nuda Ledebourdwarf sawwortSaussurea densaGravenstafel Ridge, West Castle.Rocky outcrop and...
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseWestcastle; Gravenstafel Ridgerocky ...
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhiteflower willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinumWes...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaRa...
Potentilla ovina J.M. Macounsheep cinquefoilpotentille des moutonsRough fescue ridgeScattered on the...
Festuca ovina Linnaeussheep fescuefétuque ovine;fétuque des moutonsovinaCarlton Ridge E below Lolo P...
Silene acaulis (Linnaeus) Jacquinmoss campion;cushion pinksilène acauleSilene acaulisSW ridge Graven...
Rumex acetosa Linnaeusgarden sorrel;green sorrel;meadow sorrel;common sorrel;sour dockgrande oseille...
Micranthes occidentalis (S. Watson) Smallwestern saxifragesaxifrage de l'OuestSaxifraga occidentalis...
Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron violaceumE. side Gra...
Dryas octopetala Linnaeuseight-petalled mountain avensdryade à huit pétalesE. side Gravenstafel Ridg...
Phacelia sericea (Graham) A. Graysilky phaceliaphacélie soyeuseGravenstafel Ridge, West CastleRocky ...
S.W. ridge of Gravenstafel Ridge, West CastleShale scree slope along ridge, W. facing, exposed to wi...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiGravenstafel Ridge, We...
Saussurea nuda Ledebourdwarf sawwortSaussurea densaGravenstafel Ridge, West Castle.Rocky outcrop and...
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseWestcastle; Gravenstafel Ridgerocky ...
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhiteflower willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinumWes...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaRa...