Rhynchospora capitellata (Michaux) Vahlsmall-headed beakrush;brownish beakrush;capitate beakrushrhynchospore à petites têtesRhynchospora capitellataPlain Road, Hatfieldlow, sandy are
Rhynchospora zacualtipanensis M.T.StrongPine woods and sphagnum bogs Clumps in sphagnu
Hydrophyllum capitatum Douglas ex Benthamballhead waterleaf;dwarf waterleaf;woollen-breeches;cat's-b...
Campanula aparinoides Purshmarsh bellflower;marsh harebell;bedstraw bellflowercampanule faux-gaillet...
Rhynchospora capitellata (Michaux) Vahlsmall-headed beakrush;brownish beakrush;capitate beakrushrhyn...
Rhynchospora fusca (Linnaeus) W.T. Aitonbrown beakrush;sooty beakrushrhynchospore brun;rhynchospora ...
Rhynchospora alba (Linnaeus) Vahlwhite beakrush;white beaksedgerhynchospore blanc;rhynchospora blanc...
Eremogone capillaris (Poiret) Fenzl var. capillaristhread-leaved sandwortsabline capillaireArenaria ...
Antennaria umbrinella Rydbergumber pussytoes;brown pussytoes;brown-bracted pussytoesantennaire ombre...
Lappula squarrosa (Retzius) Dumortierbristly stickseed;European stickseed;bristly-fruit stickweed;tw...
Photographs in this collection originally appeared in the book "Plants of the Texas Coastal Bend" (2...
Rhynchospora nitens var. hispaniolica (Vahl) A.Gray var. hispaniolica Kük.moist place
Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torrey ex Hooker) RydbergMuhlenbergia cuspidataplains muhly;prairie muhly;st...
Borreria capillaris Correllin thin soil on rock flats Soft balled shrubby plant; flowers white with...
Saxifraga bronchialis Linnaeusspotted saxifrage;yellow-dotted saxifrage;yellow-spotted saxifrage;mat...
Euphorbia capitellata Engelm. in Torr. S.WatsonSpecimen# cited in orig. description. Also Palmer #s ...
Rhynchospora zacualtipanensis M.T.StrongPine woods and sphagnum bogs Clumps in sphagnu
Hydrophyllum capitatum Douglas ex Benthamballhead waterleaf;dwarf waterleaf;woollen-breeches;cat's-b...
Campanula aparinoides Purshmarsh bellflower;marsh harebell;bedstraw bellflowercampanule faux-gaillet...
Rhynchospora capitellata (Michaux) Vahlsmall-headed beakrush;brownish beakrush;capitate beakrushrhyn...
Rhynchospora fusca (Linnaeus) W.T. Aitonbrown beakrush;sooty beakrushrhynchospore brun;rhynchospora ...
Rhynchospora alba (Linnaeus) Vahlwhite beakrush;white beaksedgerhynchospore blanc;rhynchospora blanc...
Eremogone capillaris (Poiret) Fenzl var. capillaristhread-leaved sandwortsabline capillaireArenaria ...
Antennaria umbrinella Rydbergumber pussytoes;brown pussytoes;brown-bracted pussytoesantennaire ombre...
Lappula squarrosa (Retzius) Dumortierbristly stickseed;European stickseed;bristly-fruit stickweed;tw...
Photographs in this collection originally appeared in the book "Plants of the Texas Coastal Bend" (2...
Rhynchospora nitens var. hispaniolica (Vahl) A.Gray var. hispaniolica Kük.moist place
Muhlenbergia cuspidata (Torrey ex Hooker) RydbergMuhlenbergia cuspidataplains muhly;prairie muhly;st...
Borreria capillaris Correllin thin soil on rock flats Soft balled shrubby plant; flowers white with...
Saxifraga bronchialis Linnaeusspotted saxifrage;yellow-dotted saxifrage;yellow-spotted saxifrage;mat...
Euphorbia capitellata Engelm. in Torr. S.WatsonSpecimen# cited in orig. description. Also Palmer #s ...
Rhynchospora zacualtipanensis M.T.StrongPine woods and sphagnum bogs Clumps in sphagnu
Hydrophyllum capitatum Douglas ex Benthamballhead waterleaf;dwarf waterleaf;woollen-breeches;cat's-b...
Campanula aparinoides Purshmarsh bellflower;marsh harebell;bedstraw bellflowercampanule faux-gaillet...