Clematis columbiana (Nutt.) Torr. & A. Gray var. tenuiloba (A. Gray) J. Pringlerock clematisClematis tenuilobaSweetgrass Hills, East Butte: Iron Creek, common on limestone soil from Iron Creek to Devil & Chimneylimestone soilCommo
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presltall annual willowherbépilobe d'automneEpilobium paniculatumSweetgras...
Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydbergshrubby cinquefoilpotentille frutescentePotentilla fruticosaSw...
Platanthera hyperborea (Linnaeus) Lindleyleafy northern green orchidplatanthère hyperboréaleHabenari...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Agrostis scabra Willdenowrough bentgrass;rough bent;rough hairgrass;ticklegrassagrostide scabre;agro...
Berteroa incana (Linnaeus) de Candollehoary alyssum;hoary false-alyssum;hoary false madwortberteroa ...
Erythranthe guttata (Fischer ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesomseep monkeyflowermimule tachetéMimulus guttat...
Erigeron speciosus (Lindley) de Candolleshowy fleabane;showy daisy;aspen fleabanebelle vergeretteEri...
Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta (Michaux) J.M. Gillettautumn dwarf gentiangentiane à pétales aigus...
Potentilla anserina Linnaeuscommon silverweed;silverweed;silverweed cinquefoil;silver-featherpotenti...
Clematis occidentalis (Hornemann) de CandolleClematis columbiana (Nutt.) Torrey & Graypurple clemati...
water sedge;leafy tussock sedgeCarex aquatilisSweetgrass Hills, West Butte, tributary of Fred and Ge...
Clarkia arcuata (Kellogg) Nelson & J.F. Macbr.Glandular clarkia, Glandular fairyfanca. 1/2 mi e of...
Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindley) Rydberg var. glandulosaDouglas' wood beautypotentille glanduleusePo...
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nuttallarrow-leaved balsamrootbalsamorhize à feuilles sagittéesBalsam...
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presltall annual willowherbépilobe d'automneEpilobium paniculatumSweetgras...
Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydbergshrubby cinquefoilpotentille frutescentePotentilla fruticosaSw...
Platanthera hyperborea (Linnaeus) Lindleyleafy northern green orchidplatanthère hyperboréaleHabenari...
Eriogonum umbellatum Torreysulphur-flowered buckwheat;sulphur-flowered wild buckwheat;sulphur buckwh...
Agrostis scabra Willdenowrough bentgrass;rough bent;rough hairgrass;ticklegrassagrostide scabre;agro...
Berteroa incana (Linnaeus) de Candollehoary alyssum;hoary false-alyssum;hoary false madwortberteroa ...
Erythranthe guttata (Fischer ex de Candolle) G.L. Nesomseep monkeyflowermimule tachetéMimulus guttat...
Erigeron speciosus (Lindley) de Candolleshowy fleabane;showy daisy;aspen fleabanebelle vergeretteEri...
Gentianella amarella subsp. acuta (Michaux) J.M. Gillettautumn dwarf gentiangentiane à pétales aigus...
Potentilla anserina Linnaeuscommon silverweed;silverweed;silverweed cinquefoil;silver-featherpotenti...
Clematis occidentalis (Hornemann) de CandolleClematis columbiana (Nutt.) Torrey & Graypurple clemati...
water sedge;leafy tussock sedgeCarex aquatilisSweetgrass Hills, West Butte, tributary of Fred and Ge...
Clarkia arcuata (Kellogg) Nelson & J.F. Macbr.Glandular clarkia, Glandular fairyfanca. 1/2 mi e of...
Drymocallis glandulosa (Lindley) Rydberg var. glandulosaDouglas' wood beautypotentille glanduleusePo...
Balsamorhiza sagittata (Pursh) Nuttallarrow-leaved balsamrootbalsamorhize à feuilles sagittéesBalsam...
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presltall annual willowherbépilobe d'automneEpilobium paniculatumSweetgras...
Dasiphora fruticosa (Linnaeus) Rydbergshrubby cinquefoilpotentille frutescentePotentilla fruticosaSw...
Platanthera hyperborea (Linnaeus) Lindleyleafy northern green orchidplatanthère hyperboréaleHabenari...