Lobelia spicata Lamarckpale-spike lobelia;spiked lobelialobélie à épiBoone Prairie at the junction of Iowa 60 North and US 30Less common in the wet prairie portion than on the drier part where taller and more common
Strips of prairie several hundred feet wide cover certain uninhabitable hillsides within the city. T...
Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.), a noxious perennial weed spreading south from the northern Great ...
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greeneshiny-leaved meadowsweetspirée à feuilles de bouleauSpiraea betulifo...
Lobelia spicata Lamarckpale-spike lobelia;spiked lobelialobélie à épiKurokiComposite prairie
Lithospermum caroliniense (J.F. Gmelin) MacMillangolden puccoongrémil de CarolineLithospermum croceu...
Lysimachia hybrida Michauxlowland yellow loosestrife;lowland loosestrife;river loosestrife;lance-lea...
Lobelia kalmii LinnaeusKalm's lobelia;brook lobelia;bog lobelia;Ontario lobelialobélie de Kalm2 km s...
Oxytropis splendens Douglas ex Hookershowy locoweed;showy oxytrope;showy crazyweed;showy point-vetch...
08 The Distribution of Orchids The distribution of the native orchids of Iowa was determined through...
Neslia paniculata (Linnaeus) Desvauxyellow ball mustard;ball mustard;common ball mustard;paniculate ...
Lobelia siphilitica Linnaeusgreat blue lobelia;blue cardinalflower;great lobelialobélie bleuealong C...
Mentzelia decapetala (Pursh ex Sims) Urban & Gilg ex Gilgten-petalled blazing star;ten-petalled even...
Sphenopholis obtusata (Michaux) Scribnerprairie wedgegrass;prairie wedgescalesphénopholis obtus;sphé...
Meyer Zoysia is a warm-season grass. The lawn grasses commonly used and recommended in Iowa are cool...
Euphorbia corollata Linnaeusflowering spurge;blooming spurge;poison-milkweedeuphorbe pétaloïdeEuphor...
Strips of prairie several hundred feet wide cover certain uninhabitable hillsides within the city. T...
Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.), a noxious perennial weed spreading south from the northern Great ...
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greeneshiny-leaved meadowsweetspirée à feuilles de bouleauSpiraea betulifo...
Lobelia spicata Lamarckpale-spike lobelia;spiked lobelialobélie à épiKurokiComposite prairie
Lithospermum caroliniense (J.F. Gmelin) MacMillangolden puccoongrémil de CarolineLithospermum croceu...
Lysimachia hybrida Michauxlowland yellow loosestrife;lowland loosestrife;river loosestrife;lance-lea...
Lobelia kalmii LinnaeusKalm's lobelia;brook lobelia;bog lobelia;Ontario lobelialobélie de Kalm2 km s...
Oxytropis splendens Douglas ex Hookershowy locoweed;showy oxytrope;showy crazyweed;showy point-vetch...
08 The Distribution of Orchids The distribution of the native orchids of Iowa was determined through...
Neslia paniculata (Linnaeus) Desvauxyellow ball mustard;ball mustard;common ball mustard;paniculate ...
Lobelia siphilitica Linnaeusgreat blue lobelia;blue cardinalflower;great lobelialobélie bleuealong C...
Mentzelia decapetala (Pursh ex Sims) Urban & Gilg ex Gilgten-petalled blazing star;ten-petalled even...
Sphenopholis obtusata (Michaux) Scribnerprairie wedgegrass;prairie wedgescalesphénopholis obtus;sphé...
Meyer Zoysia is a warm-season grass. The lawn grasses commonly used and recommended in Iowa are cool...
Euphorbia corollata Linnaeusflowering spurge;blooming spurge;poison-milkweedeuphorbe pétaloïdeEuphor...
Strips of prairie several hundred feet wide cover certain uninhabitable hillsides within the city. T...
Leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula L.), a noxious perennial weed spreading south from the northern Great ...
Spiraea lucida Douglas ex Greeneshiny-leaved meadowsweetspirée à feuilles de bouleauSpiraea betulifo...