Dicentra formosa (Haworth) WalpersPacific bleeding-heartdicentre à belles fleursVancouver Island. Marble Lake near Juene Landing Road. Drainage, Marble River.along cleared roadside banks in damp areas, exp: open, slope: 0-30�200 feetflowers: purpl
Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindleylarge-flowered collomia;grand collomia;large-flowered mounta...
Solidago gigantea Aitongiant goldenrodverge d'or géanteSolidago x leiophallaxSouth bank of river opp...
Lysimachia nummularia Linnaeuscreeping yellow loosestrife;creeping loosestrife;creeping Jenny;moneyw...
Dicentra formosa (Haworth) WalpersPacific bleeding-heartdicentre à belles fleursn margin of Paradise...
Spiraea douglasii HookerDouglas' meadowsweet;western pink meadowsweet;Douglas' spiraea;steeplebush;h...
Hieracium albiflorum Hookerwhite hawkweed;white-flowered hawkweedépervière à fleurs blanchesHieraciu...
Claytonia sibirica LinnaeusSiberian spring beautyclaytonie de SibérieMontia sibiricaVancouver Island...
Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hookergreat red paintbrushcastilléjie rougeâtreMarble River, 1/4 mile ...
Rubus spectabilis Purshsalmonberry;salmon raspberryronce remarquable;ronce admirable;ronce éléganteV...
Moneses uniflora (Linnaeus) A. Grayone-flowered wintergreen;one-flowered pyrola;one-flowered shinlea...
Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G.L. NesomAster modestusSooke River 2 1/2 miles from bridge near mout...
Menziesia ferruginea J.E. Smithfalse azalea;mock azalea;rusty menziesia;rusty-leaved menziesia;Pacif...
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisVancouver Island, at mouth of Cluxewe River near Po...
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.cystoptère fragileFragile fernBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmW. s...
Lysimachia maritima (Linnaeus) Galasso, Banfi & Soldanosea milkwortglaux maritimeGlaux maritimaedge ...
Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindleylarge-flowered collomia;grand collomia;large-flowered mounta...
Solidago gigantea Aitongiant goldenrodverge d'or géanteSolidago x leiophallaxSouth bank of river opp...
Lysimachia nummularia Linnaeuscreeping yellow loosestrife;creeping loosestrife;creeping Jenny;moneyw...
Dicentra formosa (Haworth) WalpersPacific bleeding-heartdicentre à belles fleursn margin of Paradise...
Spiraea douglasii HookerDouglas' meadowsweet;western pink meadowsweet;Douglas' spiraea;steeplebush;h...
Hieracium albiflorum Hookerwhite hawkweed;white-flowered hawkweedépervière à fleurs blanchesHieraciu...
Claytonia sibirica LinnaeusSiberian spring beautyclaytonie de SibérieMontia sibiricaVancouver Island...
Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hookergreat red paintbrushcastilléjie rougeâtreMarble River, 1/4 mile ...
Rubus spectabilis Purshsalmonberry;salmon raspberryronce remarquable;ronce admirable;ronce éléganteV...
Moneses uniflora (Linnaeus) A. Grayone-flowered wintergreen;one-flowered pyrola;one-flowered shinlea...
Canadanthus modestus (Lindley) G.L. NesomAster modestusSooke River 2 1/2 miles from bridge near mout...
Menziesia ferruginea J.E. Smithfalse azalea;mock azalea;rusty menziesia;rusty-leaved menziesia;Pacif...
Poa pratensis LinnaeusKentucky bluegrasspratensisVancouver Island, at mouth of Cluxewe River near Po...
Cystopteris fragilis (L.) Bernh.cystoptère fragileFragile fernBarnaby/Southfork LakesT. ChisholmW. s...
Lysimachia maritima (Linnaeus) Galasso, Banfi & Soldanosea milkwortglaux maritimeGlaux maritimaedge ...
Collomia grandiflora Douglas ex Lindleylarge-flowered collomia;grand collomia;large-flowered mounta...
Solidago gigantea Aitongiant goldenrodverge d'or géanteSolidago x leiophallaxSouth bank of river opp...
Lysimachia nummularia Linnaeuscreeping yellow loosestrife;creeping loosestrife;creeping Jenny;moneyw...