Galium ambiguum WightYolla bolly bedstrawUnderwood Mtn. Pass, Underwood Mtn. Rd., about 12 mi. W of Burnt Ranch4500 feetForming mats, spreading by underground rhizomes. Corolla yellowish
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Diplacus tricolor (Hartw. ex Lindl.) NesomTricolor monkeyflowerMimulus tricolor0.75 mi W of cohasset...
Monochaetum trychophyllum AlmedaDisturbed sites and pasturelands along cloud forest slopes; sprawlin...
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) TorreyCalifornia yerba santa, Yerba santa5 mi. W of Burnt ...
Valeriana sitchensis BongardSitka valerian;Pacific valerian;marsh valerian;swamp valerianvalériane d...
Trifolium variegatum Nuttallwhitetip clovertrèfle panachéTrifolium variegatumCa. 50 m from Skyway Rd...
Euphorbia corollata Linnaeusflowering spurge;blooming spurge;poison-milkweedeuphorbe pétaloïdeEuphor...
Penstemon glandulosus Douglasstickystem penstemonEdeburn Gulch, about 15 mi. due s. of AsotinPlants ...
Collinsia sparsiflora F. & M.Few flowered collinsia, Spinster's blue eyed mary4.2 mi s of Cherokee,...
Galium triflorum Michauxthree-flowered bedstraw;fragrant bedstraw;sweet-scented bedstrawgaillet à tr...
Galium bolanderi A. GrayBolander galium, Bolander's bedstrawAbove South Fork on road to Whiskey Cr...
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...
Whipplea modesta TorreyModesty, Whipplea, Whipplevine, Yerba de selva7.5 miles west of Burnt Ranch...
Tetramerium rzedowskii T.F.DanielTropical deciduous forest Wiry shrub to 7 dm; corolla white with m...
Galium correllii DempsterForming mats from crevices on sheer walls of cliffs. Flowers white with la...
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Diplacus tricolor (Hartw. ex Lindl.) NesomTricolor monkeyflowerMimulus tricolor0.75 mi W of cohasset...
Monochaetum trychophyllum AlmedaDisturbed sites and pasturelands along cloud forest slopes; sprawlin...
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) TorreyCalifornia yerba santa, Yerba santa5 mi. W of Burnt ...
Valeriana sitchensis BongardSitka valerian;Pacific valerian;marsh valerian;swamp valerianvalériane d...
Trifolium variegatum Nuttallwhitetip clovertrèfle panachéTrifolium variegatumCa. 50 m from Skyway Rd...
Euphorbia corollata Linnaeusflowering spurge;blooming spurge;poison-milkweedeuphorbe pétaloïdeEuphor...
Penstemon glandulosus Douglasstickystem penstemonEdeburn Gulch, about 15 mi. due s. of AsotinPlants ...
Collinsia sparsiflora F. & M.Few flowered collinsia, Spinster's blue eyed mary4.2 mi s of Cherokee,...
Galium triflorum Michauxthree-flowered bedstraw;fragrant bedstraw;sweet-scented bedstrawgaillet à tr...
Galium bolanderi A. GrayBolander galium, Bolander's bedstrawAbove South Fork on road to Whiskey Cr...
Tetramerium emilyanum T.F.DanielDeciduous forest with Ipomoea, Heliocarpus, Tecoma, leguminous trees...
Whipplea modesta TorreyModesty, Whipplea, Whipplevine, Yerba de selva7.5 miles west of Burnt Ranch...
Tetramerium rzedowskii T.F.DanielTropical deciduous forest Wiry shrub to 7 dm; corolla white with m...
Galium correllii DempsterForming mats from crevices on sheer walls of cliffs. Flowers white with la...
Levenhookia pulcherrima CarlquistIn flats of hard packed sand of Casuarina woodland Corolla rose to...
Diplacus tricolor (Hartw. ex Lindl.) NesomTricolor monkeyflowerMimulus tricolor0.75 mi W of cohasset...
Monochaetum trychophyllum AlmedaDisturbed sites and pasturelands along cloud forest slopes; sprawlin...