Moehringia macrophylla (Hooker) Fenzllarge-leaved sandwortsabline à grandes feuillesArenaria macrophyllaTeanook Lake, near Langford BC - open Douglas fir stan
Salix discolor Muhl.saule discolorepussy willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmE. shore of lake; moist g...
Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeuscommon hornwort;common coontail;coontail;hornwort;coon's-tailcornifle...
Brickellia grandiflora (Hooker) Nuttalllarge-flowered brickellia;tasseled-flowered brickellbushbrick...
Geum macrophyllum Willdenowlarge-leaved avens;big-leaved avensbenoîte à folioles inciséesNorth of Fo...
Solidago macrophylla Banks ex Purshlarge-leaved goldenrodverge d'or à grandes feuilles;solidage à gr...
Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hookergreat red paintbrushcastilléjie rougeâtreTeanook Lake, near Lang...
Achlys triphylla (Smith) de Candollevanilla-leafachlyde à trois foliolesTeanook Lake, B. C.Shaded Do...
Luzula campestris (Linnaeus) de Candollefield woodrushluzule champêtrecampestrisTeanook Lake, near L...
Geum macrophyllum var. perincisum (Rydberg) Rauplarge-leaved avens;big-leaved avensbenoîte à foliole...
Collinsia heterophylla Buist ex GrahPurple chinese housesCollinsia bicolorTeanook Lake, near Langfor...
Salix drummondiana Barratt ex HookerDrummond's willow;blue willowsaule de DrummondNorth end of Berth...
Salix discolor Muhl.saule discolorepussy willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmE. shore of lake; moist g...
Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeuscommon hornwort;common coontail;coontail;hornwort;coon's-tailcornifle...
Brickellia grandiflora (Hooker) Nuttalllarge-flowered brickellia;tasseled-flowered brickellbushbrick...
Geum macrophyllum Willdenowlarge-leaved avens;big-leaved avensbenoîte à folioles inciséesNorth of Fo...
Solidago macrophylla Banks ex Purshlarge-leaved goldenrodverge d'or à grandes feuilles;solidage à gr...
Castilleja miniata Douglas ex Hookergreat red paintbrushcastilléjie rougeâtreTeanook Lake, near Lang...
Achlys triphylla (Smith) de Candollevanilla-leafachlyde à trois foliolesTeanook Lake, B. C.Shaded Do...
Luzula campestris (Linnaeus) de Candollefield woodrushluzule champêtrecampestrisTeanook Lake, near L...
Geum macrophyllum var. perincisum (Rydberg) Rauplarge-leaved avens;big-leaved avensbenoîte à foliole...
Collinsia heterophylla Buist ex GrahPurple chinese housesCollinsia bicolorTeanook Lake, near Langfor...
Salix drummondiana Barratt ex HookerDrummond's willow;blue willowsaule de DrummondNorth end of Berth...
Salix discolor Muhl.saule discolorepussy willowBeaver Mines LakeT. ChisholmE. shore of lake; moist g...
Ceratophyllum demersum Linnaeuscommon hornwort;common coontail;coontail;hornwort;coon's-tailcornifle...
Brickellia grandiflora (Hooker) Nuttalllarge-flowered brickellia;tasseled-flowered brickellbushbrick...