Mt. Allison, north of Crowsnest Pass.Open rocky scree slope below ridge.7800 fee
S.W. ridge of Gravenstafel Ridge, West CastleShale scree slope along ridge, W. facing, exposed to wi...
Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydbergyellow hedysarum;sulphur hedysarum;yellow sweet-vetch;sulphur sweet-v...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiGravenstafel Ridge, We...
Mt. Allison, open east facing scree slope below ridge crestopen east facing scree slope7800 fee
Aquilegia flavescens S. Watsonyellow columbineancolie jauneflavescensMt. Allison, north of Crowsnest...
Askellia pygmaea (Ledebebour) SennikovCrepis nanaMt. Allison, north of Crowsnest Pass; below ridgeop...
Gentianella propinqua (Richardson) J.M. Gillett subsp. propinquafour-parted gentiangentiane fausse-a...
Polemonium pulcherrimum Hookershowy Jacob's-ladder;showy polemonium;pretty Jacob's-ladder;skunkleaf ...
Parnassia fimbriata K.D. Koenigfringed grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mountain grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mo...
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greenewandering fleabane;subalpine fleabane;subalpine daisy;per...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Silene douglasii HookerDouglas' catchfly;Douglas' campionSilene douglasiiMt. Allison, north of Crows...
Saxifraga oppositifolia Linnaeuspurple mountain saxifrage;purple saxifrage;purple alpine saxifrage;t...
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhite-flowered willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinaM...
Micranthes occidentalis (S. Watson) Smallwestern saxifragesaxifrage de l'OuestSaxifraga occidentalis...
S.W. ridge of Gravenstafel Ridge, West CastleShale scree slope along ridge, W. facing, exposed to wi...
Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydbergyellow hedysarum;sulphur hedysarum;yellow sweet-vetch;sulphur sweet-v...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiGravenstafel Ridge, We...
Mt. Allison, open east facing scree slope below ridge crestopen east facing scree slope7800 fee
Aquilegia flavescens S. Watsonyellow columbineancolie jauneflavescensMt. Allison, north of Crowsnest...
Askellia pygmaea (Ledebebour) SennikovCrepis nanaMt. Allison, north of Crowsnest Pass; below ridgeop...
Gentianella propinqua (Richardson) J.M. Gillett subsp. propinquafour-parted gentiangentiane fausse-a...
Polemonium pulcherrimum Hookershowy Jacob's-ladder;showy polemonium;pretty Jacob's-ladder;skunkleaf ...
Parnassia fimbriata K.D. Koenigfringed grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mountain grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mo...
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greenewandering fleabane;subalpine fleabane;subalpine daisy;per...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Silene douglasii HookerDouglas' catchfly;Douglas' campionSilene douglasiiMt. Allison, north of Crows...
Saxifraga oppositifolia Linnaeuspurple mountain saxifrage;purple saxifrage;purple alpine saxifrage;t...
Epilobium lactiflorum Haussknechtwhite-flowered willowherbépilobe à fleurs blanchesEpilobium alpinaM...
Micranthes occidentalis (S. Watson) Smallwestern saxifragesaxifrage de l'OuestSaxifraga occidentalis...
S.W. ridge of Gravenstafel Ridge, West CastleShale scree slope along ridge, W. facing, exposed to wi...
Hedysarum sulphurescens Rydbergyellow hedysarum;sulphur hedysarum;yellow sweet-vetch;sulphur sweet-v...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiGravenstafel Ridge, We...