Dichondra brachypoda Wooton & Standl.New Mexico ponysfootMadero Canyon in roadside park north of Mt. Livermore.Under pine in deep duff.Pin
Hedysarum boreale Nuttallnorthern hedysarum;boreal hedysarum;northern sweet-vetch;boreal sweet-vetch...
Transparency color photograph showing a view of a scene in Todilton Park on Navajo Indian Reservatio...
Delphinium bicolor Nuttallflathead larkspur;low larkspur;little larkspur;Montana larkspurbicolorRed ...
Dichondra brachypoda Wooton & Standl.New Mexico ponysfootPile-of-Rocks, west of Sawtooth Mt., Davis ...
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presltall annual willowherbépilobe d'automneEpilobium paniculatumWildcat C...
Stylosanthes biflora (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.sidebeak pencilfloweralong U.S. #54, at a roadsi...
sedum lanceeolate in flowerhttps://digscholarship.unco.edu/colopine/2386/thumbnail.jp
Acmispon brachycarpus (Benth.) D.D. SokoloffShort podded lotusLotus humistratis2.3 miles on Upper P...
Chaenactis stevioides Hook. & Arn.Desert pincushion, Esteve pincushionca. 21 mi NE of Palmdale, ca...
Cirsium hookerianum NuttallHooker's thistlechardon de HookerWaterton Lakes National Park,roadside di...
Galium californicum Hook. & Arn.California bedstrawWildcat Canyon, 1/2 mi. below Park Headquartersu...
Dianthus armeria LinnaeusDeptford pink;grass pinkDianthus armeriaalong U.S. #54 at a roadside park a...
Solanum rostratum Dunalhorned nightshade;Texas thistle;Mexican thistle;Kansas thistle;buffalo-burr;b...
Galium nuttallii A. Grayclimbing bedstrawWildcat Canyon. E side of canyon near Park HeadquartersDry...
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hookersand lacepod;sand fringepod;lacepod mustardThysanocarpus curvipesWildca...
Hedysarum boreale Nuttallnorthern hedysarum;boreal hedysarum;northern sweet-vetch;boreal sweet-vetch...
Transparency color photograph showing a view of a scene in Todilton Park on Navajo Indian Reservatio...
Delphinium bicolor Nuttallflathead larkspur;low larkspur;little larkspur;Montana larkspurbicolorRed ...
Dichondra brachypoda Wooton & Standl.New Mexico ponysfootPile-of-Rocks, west of Sawtooth Mt., Davis ...
Epilobium brachycarpum C. Presltall annual willowherbépilobe d'automneEpilobium paniculatumWildcat C...
Stylosanthes biflora (L.) Britton, Sterns & Poggenb.sidebeak pencilfloweralong U.S. #54, at a roadsi...
sedum lanceeolate in flowerhttps://digscholarship.unco.edu/colopine/2386/thumbnail.jp
Acmispon brachycarpus (Benth.) D.D. SokoloffShort podded lotusLotus humistratis2.3 miles on Upper P...
Chaenactis stevioides Hook. & Arn.Desert pincushion, Esteve pincushionca. 21 mi NE of Palmdale, ca...
Cirsium hookerianum NuttallHooker's thistlechardon de HookerWaterton Lakes National Park,roadside di...
Galium californicum Hook. & Arn.California bedstrawWildcat Canyon, 1/2 mi. below Park Headquartersu...
Dianthus armeria LinnaeusDeptford pink;grass pinkDianthus armeriaalong U.S. #54 at a roadside park a...
Solanum rostratum Dunalhorned nightshade;Texas thistle;Mexican thistle;Kansas thistle;buffalo-burr;b...
Galium nuttallii A. Grayclimbing bedstrawWildcat Canyon. E side of canyon near Park HeadquartersDry...
Thysanocarpus curvipes Hookersand lacepod;sand fringepod;lacepod mustardThysanocarpus curvipesWildca...
Hedysarum boreale Nuttallnorthern hedysarum;boreal hedysarum;northern sweet-vetch;boreal sweet-vetch...
Transparency color photograph showing a view of a scene in Todilton Park on Navajo Indian Reservatio...
Delphinium bicolor Nuttallflathead larkspur;low larkspur;little larkspur;Montana larkspurbicolorRed ...