Lonicera tatarica LinnaeusTatarian honeysucklechèvrefeuille de TartarieNorth shore of North Saskatchewan River, Government Park west of Groat Road bridge, Edmontonclose to river on a steep bank, lots of sun, few small trees and grass surrounding wit
Euphorbia helioscopia Linnaeussun spurge;summer spurge;wart spurge;wartweed;mad woman's milkeuphorbe...
Blitum capitatum Linnaeus var. capitatumChenopodium capitatumshore of North Saskatchewan Rivergravel...
Poa glauca subsp. rupicola (Nash) W.A. Webertimberline bluegrasspâturin des rochersPoa rupicolaFordh...
North shore of North Saskatchewan River, Government Park west of Groat Road bridge, EdmontonTop of s...
Lonicera tatarica LinnaeusTatarian honeysucklechèvrefeuille de TartarieEcorre boise de la Saskatchew...
Salix arbusculoides Anderssonlittle-tree willow;shrubby willow;northern bush willowsaule arbustifopp...
Vicia cracca Linnaeustufted vetch;tinegrass;Canada pea;tufted pea;purple-white tufted vetch;purple t...
Rosa acicularis Lindleyprickly rose;wild prickly rose;bristly roseWest shore of North Saskatchewan R...
fleabane. Wild daisyTop of steep bank, close to river's edge, north shore of North Saskatchewan Rive...
Crataegus dodgei AsheDodge's hawthornaubépine de DodgeCrataegus rotundifoliaNorth bank of North Sask...
Lilium philadelphicum Linnaeuswood lily;red lily;western red lilylis de PhiladelphiephiladelphicumNo...
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshallred ash;northern red ash;green ash;downy ash;swamp ashfrêne rouge;frê...
Penstemon gracilis Nuttallslender beardtongue;lilac beardtongue;lilac-flowered beardtongue;lilac pen...
Asclepias ovalifolia Decaisneoval-leaved milkweed;dwarf milkweed;low milkweedasclépiade à feuilles o...
Turritis glabra Linnaeustower mustardtourette glabreArabis glabraShores of North Saskatchewan Rivers...
Euphorbia helioscopia Linnaeussun spurge;summer spurge;wart spurge;wartweed;mad woman's milkeuphorbe...
Blitum capitatum Linnaeus var. capitatumChenopodium capitatumshore of North Saskatchewan Rivergravel...
Poa glauca subsp. rupicola (Nash) W.A. Webertimberline bluegrasspâturin des rochersPoa rupicolaFordh...
North shore of North Saskatchewan River, Government Park west of Groat Road bridge, EdmontonTop of s...
Lonicera tatarica LinnaeusTatarian honeysucklechèvrefeuille de TartarieEcorre boise de la Saskatchew...
Salix arbusculoides Anderssonlittle-tree willow;shrubby willow;northern bush willowsaule arbustifopp...
Vicia cracca Linnaeustufted vetch;tinegrass;Canada pea;tufted pea;purple-white tufted vetch;purple t...
Rosa acicularis Lindleyprickly rose;wild prickly rose;bristly roseWest shore of North Saskatchewan R...
fleabane. Wild daisyTop of steep bank, close to river's edge, north shore of North Saskatchewan Rive...
Crataegus dodgei AsheDodge's hawthornaubépine de DodgeCrataegus rotundifoliaNorth bank of North Sask...
Lilium philadelphicum Linnaeuswood lily;red lily;western red lilylis de PhiladelphiephiladelphicumNo...
Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshallred ash;northern red ash;green ash;downy ash;swamp ashfrêne rouge;frê...
Penstemon gracilis Nuttallslender beardtongue;lilac beardtongue;lilac-flowered beardtongue;lilac pen...
Asclepias ovalifolia Decaisneoval-leaved milkweed;dwarf milkweed;low milkweedasclépiade à feuilles o...
Turritis glabra Linnaeustower mustardtourette glabreArabis glabraShores of North Saskatchewan Rivers...
Euphorbia helioscopia Linnaeussun spurge;summer spurge;wart spurge;wartweed;mad woman's milkeuphorbe...
Blitum capitatum Linnaeus var. capitatumChenopodium capitatumshore of North Saskatchewan Rivergravel...
Poa glauca subsp. rupicola (Nash) W.A. Webertimberline bluegrasspâturin des rochersPoa rupicolaFordh...