Lepidium draba Linnaeusheart-pod hoarycresscranson dravierCardaria drabajunction of Mo. #45 and Mo. #92Along a railroad embankmen
Oenothera gaura W.L. Wagner & Hochbiennial gauragaura bisannuelGaura biennisBetween Mo. #52 and a ra...
Draba verna Linnaeusspring draba;spring whitlowgrass;vernal whitlowgrass;common draba;common whitlow...
Bromus secalinus Linnaeusrye bromebrome des seiglesjunction of Rt. 116 and 5, near railroad, Deerfie...
Lepidium draba Linnaeusheart-pod hoarycresscranson dravierCardaria drabaTroost Ave. and 14th Street ...
Lepidium draba Linnaeusheart-pod hoarycresscranson dravierCardaria drabanear Fort SaskatchewanFieldA...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiRuby RidgeN.W. shale c...
Scirpus lineatus Michx.drooping bulrushbetween a railroad and Mo. #52, at the northeast edge of Clin...
Lespedeza capitata Michauxround-headed bush-clover;round-headed lespedeza;dusty cloverlespédèze capi...
Draba cana Rydberghoary draba;lance-leaved draba;hoary whitlowgrass;lance-leaved whitlowgrass;canesc...
Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. eupatorioidesfalse bonesetBrickellia eupatorioidesabout...
Ulmus rubra Muhlenbergslippery elm;red elmorme rouge;orme grasalong old railroad, Northamptonalong o...
Sporobolus compositus (Poiret) Merrill var. compositusrough dropseedsporobole rudeSporobolus asperCa...
Family name (scientific): Brassicaceae Scientific name: Draba muralis Authors names: L.
Oenothera laciniata Hillcut-leaved evening primroseonagre laciniéelaciniataalong U.S. #50 about 1/2 ...
Gentiana puberulenta J.S. Pringledowny gentiangentiane pubérulenteGentiana puberulaalong C.& N.W. ra...
Oenothera gaura W.L. Wagner & Hochbiennial gauragaura bisannuelGaura biennisBetween Mo. #52 and a ra...
Draba verna Linnaeusspring draba;spring whitlowgrass;vernal whitlowgrass;common draba;common whitlow...
Bromus secalinus Linnaeusrye bromebrome des seiglesjunction of Rt. 116 and 5, near railroad, Deerfie...
Lepidium draba Linnaeusheart-pod hoarycresscranson dravierCardaria drabaTroost Ave. and 14th Street ...
Lepidium draba Linnaeusheart-pod hoarycresscranson dravierCardaria drabanear Fort SaskatchewanFieldA...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiRuby RidgeN.W. shale c...
Scirpus lineatus Michx.drooping bulrushbetween a railroad and Mo. #52, at the northeast edge of Clin...
Lespedeza capitata Michauxround-headed bush-clover;round-headed lespedeza;dusty cloverlespédèze capi...
Draba cana Rydberghoary draba;lance-leaved draba;hoary whitlowgrass;lance-leaved whitlowgrass;canesc...
Brickellia eupatorioides (L.) Shinners var. eupatorioidesfalse bonesetBrickellia eupatorioidesabout...
Ulmus rubra Muhlenbergslippery elm;red elmorme rouge;orme grasalong old railroad, Northamptonalong o...
Sporobolus compositus (Poiret) Merrill var. compositusrough dropseedsporobole rudeSporobolus asperCa...
Family name (scientific): Brassicaceae Scientific name: Draba muralis Authors names: L.
Oenothera laciniata Hillcut-leaved evening primroseonagre laciniéelaciniataalong U.S. #50 about 1/2 ...
Gentiana puberulenta J.S. Pringledowny gentiangentiane pubérulenteGentiana puberulaalong C.& N.W. ra...
Oenothera gaura W.L. Wagner & Hochbiennial gauragaura bisannuelGaura biennisBetween Mo. #52 and a ra...
Draba verna Linnaeusspring draba;spring whitlowgrass;vernal whitlowgrass;common draba;common whitlow...
Bromus secalinus Linnaeusrye bromebrome des seiglesjunction of Rt. 116 and 5, near railroad, Deerfie...