Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl. ssp. californica California goldfieldsBaeria chrysostomaCa. 3.5 mi. e of Chico, Skywaysoil wet clay200 feetOrthocarpus erianthusRay flowers yello
Salvia sonomensis E. GreeneCreeping sage, Sonoma sageE side of Cohasset Road, ca 9 mi n of Chico m...
Gaillardia aristata Purshgreat blanketflower;common gaillardia;great flowered gaillardia;common blan...
Eryngium vaseyi J.M. Coult. & RosecoyotethistleEryngium vaseyi15 yds n of point where Broyles rd. me...
Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl. ssp. CalifornicaCalifornia goldfieldsca 500 yds n of the Skywa...
Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl. ssp. californica California goldfieldsBaeria chrysostomaNewhal...
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) TorreyCalifornia yerba santa, Yerba santaw side of Cohasse...
Chrysolepis chrysophylla (Hook.) Hjelmq. var. chrysophylla Giant chinquapin, Golden chinquapinCas...
Lasthenia fremontii (A. Gray) E. GreeneFremont's goldfields, Vernal pool goldfieldsHwy 99 N of Chi...
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm.Canyon live oak, Canyon oak, maul oak, goldcup oak, Gold cup live oak, G...
Lasthenia platycarpha (A. Gray) E. GreeneAlkali goldfieldsin vicinity of Stillson Canyon and the ol...
Trichostema lanceolatum Benth.VinegarweedBidwell Park, Chico, ca. 0.25 mi NE of jct Upper Park Road...
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greeneorange agoseris;mountain agoseris;orange false dandelion;orange-f...
50 yds s and on the e side of Rock Creek Road, ca 3 mi n of Chico Municipal Airport off Cohasset Roa...
Clematis lasiantha Nutt.Chaparral clematis, Pipestemca. 5 ft. n of Cohasset Road and 6.6 mi nne of...
Cuscuta subinclusa Durand & Hilg.Canyon dodderCuscuta ceanothi5 mi. NE of Caramillo along Callequas...
Salvia sonomensis E. GreeneCreeping sage, Sonoma sageE side of Cohasset Road, ca 9 mi n of Chico m...
Gaillardia aristata Purshgreat blanketflower;common gaillardia;great flowered gaillardia;common blan...
Eryngium vaseyi J.M. Coult. & RosecoyotethistleEryngium vaseyi15 yds n of point where Broyles rd. me...
Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl. ssp. CalifornicaCalifornia goldfieldsca 500 yds n of the Skywa...
Lasthenia californica DC. ex Lindl. ssp. californica California goldfieldsBaeria chrysostomaNewhal...
Eriodictyon californicum (Hook. & Arn.) TorreyCalifornia yerba santa, Yerba santaw side of Cohasse...
Chrysolepis chrysophylla (Hook.) Hjelmq. var. chrysophylla Giant chinquapin, Golden chinquapinCas...
Lasthenia fremontii (A. Gray) E. GreeneFremont's goldfields, Vernal pool goldfieldsHwy 99 N of Chi...
Quercus chrysolepis Liebm.Canyon live oak, Canyon oak, maul oak, goldcup oak, Gold cup live oak, G...
Lasthenia platycarpha (A. Gray) E. GreeneAlkali goldfieldsin vicinity of Stillson Canyon and the ol...
Trichostema lanceolatum Benth.VinegarweedBidwell Park, Chico, ca. 0.25 mi NE of jct Upper Park Road...
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greeneorange agoseris;mountain agoseris;orange false dandelion;orange-f...
50 yds s and on the e side of Rock Creek Road, ca 3 mi n of Chico Municipal Airport off Cohasset Roa...
Clematis lasiantha Nutt.Chaparral clematis, Pipestemca. 5 ft. n of Cohasset Road and 6.6 mi nne of...
Cuscuta subinclusa Durand & Hilg.Canyon dodderCuscuta ceanothi5 mi. NE of Caramillo along Callequas...
Salvia sonomensis E. GreeneCreeping sage, Sonoma sageE side of Cohasset Road, ca 9 mi n of Chico m...
Gaillardia aristata Purshgreat blanketflower;common gaillardia;great flowered gaillardia;common blan...
Eryngium vaseyi J.M. Coult. & RosecoyotethistleEryngium vaseyi15 yds n of point where Broyles rd. me...