Potentilla plattensis NuttallPlatte River cinquefoil;low cinquefoilpotentille de la rivière Platteca. 1 m.w. of Cardston Gatedry open meadowNatural Areas Data Bank, Alberta Forestry Lands and Wildlif
Spiraea splendens Baumann ex K. Koch var. splendenssubalpine meadowsweetspirée denseSpiraea densiflo...
Hymenopappus filifolius Hookerfine-leaved hymenopappushyménopappe à feuilles filiformesHymenopappus ...
Artemisia campestris Linnaeusfield wormwood;field sagewort;sand wormwoodarmoise des champs;armoise c...
Potentilla plattensis NuttallPlatte River cinquefoil;low cinquefoilpotentille de la rivière PlatteLi...
Polygonum engelmannii GreeneEngelmann's knotweedrenouée d'EngelmannengelmanniiRam River Fallsscree54...
Oenothera cespitosa Nuttalltufted evening primroseonagre cespiteuseOldman River Valley, 1 mi. S. Let...
Osmorhiza berteroi de Candollemountain sweet cicelyosmorhize de BerteroWestcastle River ; valley flo...
Potentilla nivea Linnaeussnow cinquefoil;snowy cinquefoilpotentille des neiges;potentille blanc-de-n...
Potentilla rivalis Nuttallbrook cinquefoil;river cinquefoilpotentille des riveson Alf Chard farm, 1 ...
Potentilla concinna Richardsonearly cinquefoil;early red cinquefoil;elegant cinquefoilpotentille hât...
Sabulina nuttallii (Pax) Dillenberger & KadereitNuttall's stitchwortsabline de NuttallArenaria nutta...
Shepherdia canadensis (Linnaeus) Nuttallsoapberry;Canada buffaloberry;russet buffaloberry;low buffal...
Hypericum scouleri HookerScouler's St. John's-wortmillepertuis de ScoulerHypericum formosumCrypt Lak...
Iliamna rivularis (Douglas) GreeneIliamna rivularisstreambank globe-mallow;mountain hollyhock;stream...
Spiraea splendens Baumann ex K. Koch var. splendenssubalpine meadowsweetspirée denseSpiraea densiflo...
Hymenopappus filifolius Hookerfine-leaved hymenopappushyménopappe à feuilles filiformesHymenopappus ...
Artemisia campestris Linnaeusfield wormwood;field sagewort;sand wormwoodarmoise des champs;armoise c...
Potentilla plattensis NuttallPlatte River cinquefoil;low cinquefoilpotentille de la rivière PlatteLi...
Polygonum engelmannii GreeneEngelmann's knotweedrenouée d'EngelmannengelmanniiRam River Fallsscree54...
Oenothera cespitosa Nuttalltufted evening primroseonagre cespiteuseOldman River Valley, 1 mi. S. Let...
Osmorhiza berteroi de Candollemountain sweet cicelyosmorhize de BerteroWestcastle River ; valley flo...
Potentilla nivea Linnaeussnow cinquefoil;snowy cinquefoilpotentille des neiges;potentille blanc-de-n...
Potentilla rivalis Nuttallbrook cinquefoil;river cinquefoilpotentille des riveson Alf Chard farm, 1 ...
Potentilla concinna Richardsonearly cinquefoil;early red cinquefoil;elegant cinquefoilpotentille hât...
Sabulina nuttallii (Pax) Dillenberger & KadereitNuttall's stitchwortsabline de NuttallArenaria nutta...
Shepherdia canadensis (Linnaeus) Nuttallsoapberry;Canada buffaloberry;russet buffaloberry;low buffal...
Hypericum scouleri HookerScouler's St. John's-wortmillepertuis de ScoulerHypericum formosumCrypt Lak...
Iliamna rivularis (Douglas) GreeneIliamna rivularisstreambank globe-mallow;mountain hollyhock;stream...
Spiraea splendens Baumann ex K. Koch var. splendenssubalpine meadowsweetspirée denseSpiraea densiflo...
Hymenopappus filifolius Hookerfine-leaved hymenopappushyménopappe à feuilles filiformesHymenopappus ...
Artemisia campestris Linnaeusfield wormwood;field sagewort;sand wormwoodarmoise des champs;armoise c...