Cota tinctoria (Linnaeus) J. GayAnthemis tinctoriaon same road as #1000, but further on towards Bellevue: S side of roadgrassy meado
Lithospermum ruderale Douglas ex LehmannColumbia puccoon;western puccoon;woolly puccoon;western grom...
Rumex crispus Linnaeuscurled dock;sour dock;narrow-leaved dock;yellow dock;curly-leaved dock;curly d...
On same road as #1000 but further on towards Bellevue: S side of roadS side of roa
Linaria dalmatica (Linnaeus) MillerDalmatian toadflaxlinaire à feuilles largesOn same road as #1000 ...
on same road as #1000 but further on towards Bellevue: S side of roadgrassy meado
Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeuscampanule à feuilles rondes;campanule à feuille rondeCampanula rotund...
Thlaspi arvense Linnaeusfield pennycress;stinkweed;fanweed;Frenchweedtabouret des champs;thlaspi des...
Allium cernuum RothNodding Onionail penchéOn same road as 1000 but further on towards Bellevue: Sout...
Cota tinctoria (Linnaeus) J. GayAnthemis tinctoriajunction Cameron Lake Rd. at townsite. RoadsideAl...
Orthocarpus luteus Nuttallyellow owl's-clover;yellow owl-clover;golden-tongue owl's-cloverorthocarpe...
Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Rafinesquepale agoseris;prairie agoseris;smooth agoseris;yellow false dandel...
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunalcurly-cup gumweed;broad-leaved gumweed;gumweed;resinweed;tarweedher...
Gaillardia aristata Purshgreat blanketflower;common gaillardia;great flowered gaillardia;common blan...
Oxytropis splendens Douglas ex Hookershowy locoweed;showy oxytrope;showy crazyweed;showy point-vetch...
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemersaskatoonamelanchier a feuilles d'aulneOn same r...
Lithospermum ruderale Douglas ex LehmannColumbia puccoon;western puccoon;woolly puccoon;western grom...
Rumex crispus Linnaeuscurled dock;sour dock;narrow-leaved dock;yellow dock;curly-leaved dock;curly d...
On same road as #1000 but further on towards Bellevue: S side of roadS side of roa
Linaria dalmatica (Linnaeus) MillerDalmatian toadflaxlinaire à feuilles largesOn same road as #1000 ...
on same road as #1000 but further on towards Bellevue: S side of roadgrassy meado
Campanula rotundifolia Linnaeuscampanule à feuilles rondes;campanule à feuille rondeCampanula rotund...
Thlaspi arvense Linnaeusfield pennycress;stinkweed;fanweed;Frenchweedtabouret des champs;thlaspi des...
Allium cernuum RothNodding Onionail penchéOn same road as 1000 but further on towards Bellevue: Sout...
Cota tinctoria (Linnaeus) J. GayAnthemis tinctoriajunction Cameron Lake Rd. at townsite. RoadsideAl...
Orthocarpus luteus Nuttallyellow owl's-clover;yellow owl-clover;golden-tongue owl's-cloverorthocarpe...
Agoseris glauca (Pursh) Rafinesquepale agoseris;prairie agoseris;smooth agoseris;yellow false dandel...
Grindelia squarrosa (Pursh) Dunalcurly-cup gumweed;broad-leaved gumweed;gumweed;resinweed;tarweedher...
Gaillardia aristata Purshgreat blanketflower;common gaillardia;great flowered gaillardia;common blan...
Oxytropis splendens Douglas ex Hookershowy locoweed;showy oxytrope;showy crazyweed;showy point-vetch...
Amelanchier alnifolia (Nuttall) Nuttall ex M. Roemersaskatoonamelanchier a feuilles d'aulneOn same r...
Lithospermum ruderale Douglas ex LehmannColumbia puccoon;western puccoon;woolly puccoon;western grom...
Rumex crispus Linnaeuscurled dock;sour dock;narrow-leaved dock;yellow dock;curly-leaved dock;curly d...
On same road as #1000 but further on towards Bellevue: S side of roadS side of roa