Zizia aptera (A. Gray) Fernaldheart-leaved alexanders;wingless alexanders;meadow parsnip;meadow ziziazizia des maraisZizia apteraE of Buffalo Jump up to Hwy #2. Along roadsideamongst grasse
Koeleria macrantha (Ledebour) Schultesprairie junegrasskoelérie à crêtesKoeleria cristataE of Buffal...
Agropyron cristatum (Linnaeus) GaertnerAgropyron cristatumcrested wheatgrassagropyre à crêteAlong ro...
Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex WilldenowAmerican vetch;purple vetch;American purple vetch;wild vetchv...
Zizia aptera (A. Gray) Fernaldheart-leaved alexanders;wingless alexanders;meadow parsnip;meadow zizi...
Potentilla pensylvanica LinnaeusPennsylvania cinquefoil;prairie cinquefoilpotentille de Pennsylvanie...
Galium boreale Linnaeusnorthern bedstraw;boreal bedstraw;crosswortgaillet boréalE of Buffalo Jump up...
Koeleria macrantha (Ledebour) Schultesprairie junegrasskoelérie à crêtesKoeleria cristataE of Buffal...
Agropyron cristatum (Linnaeus) GaertnerAgropyron cristatumcrested wheatgrassagropyre à crêteAlong ro...
Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex WilldenowAmerican vetch;purple vetch;American purple vetch;wild vetchv...
Zizia aptera (A. Gray) Fernaldheart-leaved alexanders;wingless alexanders;meadow parsnip;meadow zizi...
Potentilla pensylvanica LinnaeusPennsylvania cinquefoil;prairie cinquefoilpotentille de Pennsylvanie...
Galium boreale Linnaeusnorthern bedstraw;boreal bedstraw;crosswortgaillet boréalE of Buffalo Jump up...
Koeleria macrantha (Ledebour) Schultesprairie junegrasskoelérie à crêtesKoeleria cristataE of Buffal...
Agropyron cristatum (Linnaeus) GaertnerAgropyron cristatumcrested wheatgrassagropyre à crêteAlong ro...
Vicia americana Muhlenberg ex WilldenowAmerican vetch;purple vetch;American purple vetch;wild vetchv...