Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron latiglumeGorge Creekmoist streambe
Vicia hirsuta (Linnaeus) Graytiny vetch;hairy vetch;hairy tare;tare vetchvesce hérissée;vesce hirsut...
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greenewandering fleabane;subalpine fleabane;subalpine daisy;per...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...
Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron caninumStoney Creeka...
Chamerion latifolium (Linnaeus) Sweetriver beautyépilobe à feuilles largesEpilobium latifoliumMcLeod...
Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron latiglumeOn the left...
Selaginella wallacei HieronymusWallace's spikemoss;Wallace's selaginella;Wallace's little spikemosss...
Senecio integerrimus Nuttallwestern ragwortséneçon de l'OuestNorth of MelitaJoanne Goldenalong strea...
Juncus balticus WilldenowBaltic rush;wiregrass;wire rushjonc de la BaltiquebalticusGorge Creek; N. S...
Elymus lanceolatus (Scribner & J.G. Smith) Gould subsp. lanceolatusthick-spike wildryeélyme lancéolé...
Epilobium glaberrimum Barbeyglaucous willowherbépilobe glabrenear Clear Creek in Mud Creek Canyoncom...
Valeriana sitchensis BongardSitka valerian;Pacific valerian;marsh valerian;swamp valerianvalériane d...
Vicia hirsuta (Linnaeus) Graytiny vetch;hairy vetch;hairy tare;tare vetchvesce hérissée;vesce hirsut...
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greenewandering fleabane;subalpine fleabane;subalpine daisy;per...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...
Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron caninumStoney Creeka...
Chamerion latifolium (Linnaeus) Sweetriver beautyépilobe à feuilles largesEpilobium latifoliumMcLeod...
Elymus violaceus (Hornemann) Feilberghigh wildryeélyme à glumes largesAgropyron latiglumeOn the left...
Selaginella wallacei HieronymusWallace's spikemoss;Wallace's selaginella;Wallace's little spikemosss...
Senecio integerrimus Nuttallwestern ragwortséneçon de l'OuestNorth of MelitaJoanne Goldenalong strea...
Juncus balticus WilldenowBaltic rush;wiregrass;wire rushjonc de la BaltiquebalticusGorge Creek; N. S...
Elymus lanceolatus (Scribner & J.G. Smith) Gould subsp. lanceolatusthick-spike wildryeélyme lancéolé...
Epilobium glaberrimum Barbeyglaucous willowherbépilobe glabrenear Clear Creek in Mud Creek Canyoncom...
Valeriana sitchensis BongardSitka valerian;Pacific valerian;marsh valerian;swamp valerianvalériane d...
Vicia hirsuta (Linnaeus) Graytiny vetch;hairy vetch;hairy tare;tare vetchvesce hérissée;vesce hirsut...
Erigeron peregrinus (Banks ex Pursh) Greenewandering fleabane;subalpine fleabane;subalpine daisy;per...
Epilobium palustre Linnaeusmarsh willowherb;swamp willowherbépilobe palustre;épilobe des maraispalus...