Berberis pinnata LagascaCalifornia barberry, Coast barberry, Shiny leaf mahoniaWildcat Canyon, Contra Costa Co., Rocky outcrop 1/8 mi. so. Of Shasta Rd. entranceTop of w. ridge of canyo
Shepherdia canadensis (Linnaeus) Nuttallsoapberry;Canada buffaloberry;russet buffaloberry;low buffal...
Salix scouleriana Barratt ex HookerScouler's willow;mountain willow;fire willow;western pussy willow...
Chaenactis artemisiifolia (A. Gray) A. GrayArtemisia leaved chaenactis, White pincushion1 mi. NE. ...
Rafinesquia californica Nutt.California chicory, California plumseed1 mi. NE. of entrance to Stoke...
Medicago arabica (Linnaeus) Hudsonspotted medick;spotted medic;spotted burr-cloverluzerne d'Arabie;l...
Stachys bullata Benth.California hedge nettle, California hedgenettle, Southern hedge nettle, Wood...
Bowlesia incana Ruiz Lopez & PavonHoary bowlesiaWildcat Canyon, 1/8 mi so. of Shasta Road entranceR...
Pteridium aquilinum (Linnaeus) Kuhnbracken fernfougère-aigleWildcat Canyon, Contra Costa Co.Bald Pea...
Salix hookeriana Barratt ex HookerHooker's willow;coastal willow;dune willowsaule de Hooker;saule à ...
Ratibida pinnata (Ventenat) Barnhartgrey-headed prairie coneflower;pinnate prairie coneflowerratibid...
Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeusnorthern fairy-candelabra;hairy northern fairy-candelabra;pygmyflo...
Myosotis latifolia PoiretBroadleaf forget me not, Forget me not, Wide leaved forget me noton s side...
Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) SweetDesert willow5 mi. into White Water Canyon.San Bernardino Mtns.Shrub...
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greeneorange agoseris;mountain agoseris;orange false dandelion;orange-f...
Teucrium canadense LinnaeusCanada germander;American germander;creeping germander;wild germander;hai...
Shepherdia canadensis (Linnaeus) Nuttallsoapberry;Canada buffaloberry;russet buffaloberry;low buffal...
Salix scouleriana Barratt ex HookerScouler's willow;mountain willow;fire willow;western pussy willow...
Chaenactis artemisiifolia (A. Gray) A. GrayArtemisia leaved chaenactis, White pincushion1 mi. NE. ...
Rafinesquia californica Nutt.California chicory, California plumseed1 mi. NE. of entrance to Stoke...
Medicago arabica (Linnaeus) Hudsonspotted medick;spotted medic;spotted burr-cloverluzerne d'Arabie;l...
Stachys bullata Benth.California hedge nettle, California hedgenettle, Southern hedge nettle, Wood...
Bowlesia incana Ruiz Lopez & PavonHoary bowlesiaWildcat Canyon, 1/8 mi so. of Shasta Road entranceR...
Pteridium aquilinum (Linnaeus) Kuhnbracken fernfougère-aigleWildcat Canyon, Contra Costa Co.Bald Pea...
Salix hookeriana Barratt ex HookerHooker's willow;coastal willow;dune willowsaule de Hooker;saule à ...
Ratibida pinnata (Ventenat) Barnhartgrey-headed prairie coneflower;pinnate prairie coneflowerratibid...
Androsace septentrionalis Linnaeusnorthern fairy-candelabra;hairy northern fairy-candelabra;pygmyflo...
Myosotis latifolia PoiretBroadleaf forget me not, Forget me not, Wide leaved forget me noton s side...
Chilopsis linearis (Cav.) SweetDesert willow5 mi. into White Water Canyon.San Bernardino Mtns.Shrub...
Agoseris aurantiaca (Hooker) Greeneorange agoseris;mountain agoseris;orange false dandelion;orange-f...
Teucrium canadense LinnaeusCanada germander;American germander;creeping germander;wild germander;hai...
Shepherdia canadensis (Linnaeus) Nuttallsoapberry;Canada buffaloberry;russet buffaloberry;low buffal...
Salix scouleriana Barratt ex HookerScouler's willow;mountain willow;fire willow;western pussy willow...
Chaenactis artemisiifolia (A. Gray) A. GrayArtemisia leaved chaenactis, White pincushion1 mi. NE. ...