Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth.Foothill poppy, Tufted eschscholzia, Tufted poppy1.5 mi. N of Coffee Creek Camp. Sierra Nevada Mtns.Chaparral2000 feet26 cm. high; fls. Orang
Aquilegia formosa Fischer ex de Candollewestern columbine;Sitka columbine;crimson columbine;scarlet ...
Potentilla hippiana LehmannHipp's cinquefoil;woolly cinquefoil;horse cinquefoilpotentille de HippS s...
Cirsium andersonii (A. Gray) JepsonAnderson's thistle, Rose thistleca 50 mi NE of Fresno, at Camp ...
Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth.Foothill poppy, Tufted eschscholzia, Tufted poppyvalley fieldscommo
Eschscholzia californica Cham.California poppyeschscholzie de CalifornieGlendora Mt. Rd., 3 miles no...
Vaccinium caespitosum Michauxdwarf bilberry;dwarf blueberry;dwarf huckleberry;dwarf whortleberryaire...
Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth.Whispering bells, WhisperingbellsBranch Mt. Quadrangle. Los Padres N...
Erigeron caespitosus Nutt.Tufted fleabanevergerette cespiteuseBehind Mt. BackusT. ChisholmN.E. facin...
Argemone corymbosa E. GreeneLeafy prickly poppy, Mohave prickly poppy, Mojave pricklypoppy, Prickl...
Chrysolepis sempervirens (Kellogg) Hjelmq.Bush chinquapin, Sierra chinquapinCastanopsis sempervire...
Aquilegia pubescens Cov.Sierra columbineca. 70 mi. NE of Fresno, between Huntington Lake & Lake Edi...
Rumex californicus Rech. f.California dock18 air mi. SE of Bishop on trail from North Lake camp to ...
Parnassia fimbriata K.D. Koenigfringed grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mountain grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mo...
Plagiobothrys canescens Benth.Grey popcorn flower, Valley popcorn flower, Valley popcornflowerBran...
Aquilegia formosa Fischer ex de Candollewestern columbine;Sitka columbine;crimson columbine;scarlet ...
Potentilla hippiana LehmannHipp's cinquefoil;woolly cinquefoil;horse cinquefoilpotentille de HippS s...
Cirsium andersonii (A. Gray) JepsonAnderson's thistle, Rose thistleca 50 mi NE of Fresno, at Camp ...
Eschscholzia caespitosa Benth.Foothill poppy, Tufted eschscholzia, Tufted poppyvalley fieldscommo
Eschscholzia californica Cham.California poppyeschscholzie de CalifornieGlendora Mt. Rd., 3 miles no...
Vaccinium caespitosum Michauxdwarf bilberry;dwarf blueberry;dwarf huckleberry;dwarf whortleberryaire...
Emmenanthe penduliflora Benth.Whispering bells, WhisperingbellsBranch Mt. Quadrangle. Los Padres N...
Erigeron caespitosus Nutt.Tufted fleabanevergerette cespiteuseBehind Mt. BackusT. ChisholmN.E. facin...
Argemone corymbosa E. GreeneLeafy prickly poppy, Mohave prickly poppy, Mojave pricklypoppy, Prickl...
Chrysolepis sempervirens (Kellogg) Hjelmq.Bush chinquapin, Sierra chinquapinCastanopsis sempervire...
Aquilegia pubescens Cov.Sierra columbineca. 70 mi. NE of Fresno, between Huntington Lake & Lake Edi...
Rumex californicus Rech. f.California dock18 air mi. SE of Bishop on trail from North Lake camp to ...
Parnassia fimbriata K.D. Koenigfringed grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mountain grass-of-Parnassus;Rocky Mo...
Plagiobothrys canescens Benth.Grey popcorn flower, Valley popcorn flower, Valley popcornflowerBran...
Aquilegia formosa Fischer ex de Candollewestern columbine;Sitka columbine;crimson columbine;scarlet ...
Potentilla hippiana LehmannHipp's cinquefoil;woolly cinquefoil;horse cinquefoilpotentille de HippS s...
Cirsium andersonii (A. Gray) JepsonAnderson's thistle, Rose thistleca 50 mi NE of Fresno, at Camp ...