Dendromecon rigida Benth.Bush poppy, Tree poppyBranch Mt.2.2 miles W.N.W. of Avenales Ranchnorth slope, chaparral2400 feetCeanothus cuneatus, Eriophyllum confertiflorum, Arctostaphylos glaucashrub, 3 fee
The herbaceous and ericaceous vegetation in the highlands of Santa Cruz was studied to find relation...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Covilleyellow mountain heatherphyllodoce glanduleusePhyllodoce ale...
Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hookergraceful cinquefoil;slender cinquefoil;northwest cinquefoil;wes...
Chorizanthe staticoides Benth.Turkish ruggingBranch Mt. Quadrangle. Los Padres National Forest. 1.4...
Vulpia microstachys (Nuttall) Munrosmall fescuevulpie du PacifiqueFestuca pacificaBranch Mt. Quadran...
Eschscholzia californica Cham.California poppyeschscholzie de CalifornieWellington, 4.6 miles N. of ...
Acmispon rigidus (Benth.) BrouilletDesert lotus, Shrubby DeervetchLotus rigidusPalms to Pines High...
Fendlera rigida I.M. Johnst.common in volcanic tuff, on slopes and on flats Stiff intricate bush 2-...
Ribes quercetorum E. GreeneFoothill gooseberry, Oak gooseberry, Rock gooseberryBranch Mt., .3 mile...
Linum rigidum Purshlarge-flowered yellow flax;yellow stiff-stemmed flax;stiff-stemmed flax;stiff fla...
Diplacus aurantiacus (W. Curtis) Jeps. subsp. aurantiacusorange bush monkeyflowerLos Padres National...
Pinus flexilis E.JamesLimber pinepin flexiblePrairie BluffT. ChisholmGrassy S. facing slope, just be...
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBranch Mt. quadrangle, 2.2. miles W.N...
Cotoneaster lusitanica G.KlotzDry slope Bush, 5 feet high, several stems from root; flowers white
The herbaceous and ericaceous vegetation in the highlands of Santa Cruz was studied to find relation...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Covilleyellow mountain heatherphyllodoce glanduleusePhyllodoce ale...
Potentilla gracilis Douglas ex Hookergraceful cinquefoil;slender cinquefoil;northwest cinquefoil;wes...
Chorizanthe staticoides Benth.Turkish ruggingBranch Mt. Quadrangle. Los Padres National Forest. 1.4...
Vulpia microstachys (Nuttall) Munrosmall fescuevulpie du PacifiqueFestuca pacificaBranch Mt. Quadran...
Eschscholzia californica Cham.California poppyeschscholzie de CalifornieWellington, 4.6 miles N. of ...
Acmispon rigidus (Benth.) BrouilletDesert lotus, Shrubby DeervetchLotus rigidusPalms to Pines High...
Fendlera rigida I.M. Johnst.common in volcanic tuff, on slopes and on flats Stiff intricate bush 2-...
Ribes quercetorum E. GreeneFoothill gooseberry, Oak gooseberry, Rock gooseberryBranch Mt., .3 mile...
Linum rigidum Purshlarge-flowered yellow flax;yellow stiff-stemmed flax;stiff-stemmed flax;stiff fla...
Diplacus aurantiacus (W. Curtis) Jeps. subsp. aurantiacusorange bush monkeyflowerLos Padres National...
Pinus flexilis E.JamesLimber pinepin flexiblePrairie BluffT. ChisholmGrassy S. facing slope, just be...
Ceanothus cuneatus (Hook) Nutt.Buck brush, Wedgeleaf ceanothusBranch Mt. quadrangle, 2.2. miles W.N...
Cotoneaster lusitanica G.KlotzDry slope Bush, 5 feet high, several stems from root; flowers white
The herbaceous and ericaceous vegetation in the highlands of Santa Cruz was studied to find relation...
Potentilla glaucophylla Lehmann var. glaucophyllablue-leaved cinquefoilpotentille à feuilles glauque...
Phyllodoce glanduliflora (Hooker) Covilleyellow mountain heatherphyllodoce glanduleusePhyllodoce ale...