Mitella breweri A. GrayBrewer's mitrewort;Brewer's bishop's-cap;feathery bishop's-capmitrelle de BrewerWestcastle; head of tributary of West Castle River; 7 mi. S. of Ski Lodgealpine meadows and base of talus slope7200 fee
Carex breweri BoottBrewer's sedge2.5 miles west of Middle SisterOpen rocky slopes6800 fee
38324321Job Kuijt8311200m+71002165WLNP; Goat LakeWet bank of creek, grassy2/9/2005Celina Prayma
Ranunculus eschscholtzii SchlechtendalEschscholtz's buttercup;subalpine buttercup;mountain buttercup...
Mitella breweri A. GrayBrewer's mitrewort;Brewer's bishop's-cap;feathery bishop's-capmitrelle de Bre...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaWe...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiWest Castle; Head of t...
Astragalus alpinus Linnaeusalpine milk-vetchAstragalus alpinusWest Castle; head of tributary of West...
Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydbergwhite globeflowertrolle à fleur blancheTrollius laxusWestcastle...
Sabulina rubella (Wahlenberg) Dillenberger & Kadereitreddish stitchwortsabline rougeâtreArenaria rub...
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseWestcastle; head of tributary of Wes...
Sabulina rossii (R. Brown ex Richardson) Dillenberger & Kadereit Ross' stitchwortsabline de RossAren...
Mitella pentandra Hookerfive-stamen mitrewort;five-stamen bishop's-cap;alpine bishop's-cap;alpine mi...
Botrychium simplex E. Hitchcockleast moonwortbotryche simplesimplexWest Castle; Head of tributary of...
Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & SchlechtendalBering Sea chickweed;Bering chickweed;Bering mouse-ea...
Askellia pygmaea (Ledebebour) SennikovCrepis nanaWest Castle; Head of tributary of West Castle River...
Carex breweri BoottBrewer's sedge2.5 miles west of Middle SisterOpen rocky slopes6800 fee
38324321Job Kuijt8311200m+71002165WLNP; Goat LakeWet bank of creek, grassy2/9/2005Celina Prayma
Ranunculus eschscholtzii SchlechtendalEschscholtz's buttercup;subalpine buttercup;mountain buttercup...
Mitella breweri A. GrayBrewer's mitrewort;Brewer's bishop's-cap;feathery bishop's-capmitrelle de Bre...
Packera contermina (Greenman) J.F. Bainnorthwestern groundselséneçon des sommetsPackera conterminaWe...
Draba paysonii J.F. MacbridePayson's draba;Payson's whitlowgrassDraba paysoniiWest Castle; Head of t...
Astragalus alpinus Linnaeusalpine milk-vetchAstragalus alpinusWest Castle; head of tributary of West...
Trollius albiflorus (A. Gray) Rydbergwhite globeflowertrolle à fleur blancheTrollius laxusWestcastle...
Sabulina rubella (Wahlenberg) Dillenberger & Kadereitreddish stitchwortsabline rougeâtreArenaria rub...
Saxifraga cespitosa Linnaeustufted saxifragesaxifrage cespiteuseWestcastle; head of tributary of Wes...
Sabulina rossii (R. Brown ex Richardson) Dillenberger & Kadereit Ross' stitchwortsabline de RossAren...
Mitella pentandra Hookerfive-stamen mitrewort;five-stamen bishop's-cap;alpine bishop's-cap;alpine mi...
Botrychium simplex E. Hitchcockleast moonwortbotryche simplesimplexWest Castle; Head of tributary of...
Cerastium beeringianum Chamisso & SchlechtendalBering Sea chickweed;Bering chickweed;Bering mouse-ea...
Askellia pygmaea (Ledebebour) SennikovCrepis nanaWest Castle; Head of tributary of West Castle River...
Carex breweri BoottBrewer's sedge2.5 miles west of Middle SisterOpen rocky slopes6800 fee
38324321Job Kuijt8311200m+71002165WLNP; Goat LakeWet bank of creek, grassy2/9/2005Celina Prayma
Ranunculus eschscholtzii SchlechtendalEschscholtz's buttercup;subalpine buttercup;mountain buttercup...