AbstrakPenyakit yang sering dianggap sepele namun sangat mengganggu adalah penyakit gigi. Umumnya gigi rentan terhadap makanan dan cuaca bila gigi mengalami permasalahan. Dari survey diperoleh sangat minim keinginan penderita sakit gigi berobat ke rumah sakit atau dokter spesialis. Sebuah sistem pakar memperkenalkan implementasi diagnosa penyakit gigi. Sipenderita dapat mengobati sakit gigi dengan arahan dari kommputer (pakar). Pakar sebagai sumber data basis pengetahuan diwakilkan komputer mendiagnosa penyakit. Menurut pakar gigi ada 7 jenis penyakit: Erosi Gigi, Ginggi-vitis, Pulpi-tis, Abses Gigi, Periodo-ntitis, Karies Gigi, Hali-tosis, dan Sindrom Gigi Retak. dengan 37 gejala (dikodekan sesuai kriteria). Dalam Naïve Bayes, pengklasifik...
Pada penelitian mengenai rancangan sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa penyakit kelamin dengan mengimplem...
Teeth are hard part that are inside the mouth and got a varied structure also has the possibility to...
Beberapa warga masih kurang pengetahuan dalam mengerti penyakit tulang keras yang berwarna put...
AbstrakPenyakit yang sering dianggap sepele namun sangat mengganggu adalah penyakit gigi. Umumnya gi...
Dental disease is a health problem in Indonesia, many people complain aboutit. In 2013 Indonesia's b...
Gigi merupakan salah satu organ terpenting sebagai alat pencernaan bagi tubuh manusia. Pada umumnya ...
Gigi dan mulut merupakan bagian tubuh yang sering kurang dijaga kesehatannya. Penyakit Gigi dan Mul...
Reluctance and fear of society in dental treatment can cause diseases that attack the body's other o...
This research is motivated by common dental diseases that are present among people. it is evident th...
Dentistry graduates are required to treat patients with various diseases of mouth. A dentist who exa...
Damage to the teeth can affect the health of other members of the body, so that it will interfere wi...
The lack of knowledge of oral health and limited sources of information causes low public awareness ...
Dental diseases in humans are the first of a list of the top ten most frequently complained disease ...
Rapid technological advancements greatly benefit humans in completing their work. The expert system ...
Dental disease is the most often disease which is complained by Indonesian people due to the passive...
Pada penelitian mengenai rancangan sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa penyakit kelamin dengan mengimplem...
Teeth are hard part that are inside the mouth and got a varied structure also has the possibility to...
Beberapa warga masih kurang pengetahuan dalam mengerti penyakit tulang keras yang berwarna put...
AbstrakPenyakit yang sering dianggap sepele namun sangat mengganggu adalah penyakit gigi. Umumnya gi...
Dental disease is a health problem in Indonesia, many people complain aboutit. In 2013 Indonesia's b...
Gigi merupakan salah satu organ terpenting sebagai alat pencernaan bagi tubuh manusia. Pada umumnya ...
Gigi dan mulut merupakan bagian tubuh yang sering kurang dijaga kesehatannya. Penyakit Gigi dan Mul...
Reluctance and fear of society in dental treatment can cause diseases that attack the body's other o...
This research is motivated by common dental diseases that are present among people. it is evident th...
Dentistry graduates are required to treat patients with various diseases of mouth. A dentist who exa...
Damage to the teeth can affect the health of other members of the body, so that it will interfere wi...
The lack of knowledge of oral health and limited sources of information causes low public awareness ...
Dental diseases in humans are the first of a list of the top ten most frequently complained disease ...
Rapid technological advancements greatly benefit humans in completing their work. The expert system ...
Dental disease is the most often disease which is complained by Indonesian people due to the passive...
Pada penelitian mengenai rancangan sistem pakar untuk mendiagnosa penyakit kelamin dengan mengimplem...
Teeth are hard part that are inside the mouth and got a varied structure also has the possibility to...
Beberapa warga masih kurang pengetahuan dalam mengerti penyakit tulang keras yang berwarna put...