An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.MAGRATH ATHLETES TAKE TOP MAGRATH M • —- NEWS *buy Published Weekly since 1932 by CflllfIDIfiN The Magrath T rading Company 3® cents WEDNESDAY, April 5,1995 HONOURS The Lethbridge 5/10/1 OK Road Race was held this past Saturday in Lethbridge starting at the LCC and finishing at the U of L. Jennifer Ing entered the 10K and inspite of a "BRUTAL" west wind, finished FIRST in her age category and received a GOLD MEDAL with a speedy time of 54.6 minutes. Congratulations Jennifer, Great Job!! Jennifer is the daughter of Ron & Diana Yoshihara. Brenna Di Harris recently returned to Magrath...