Magrath Store News (April 6, 1945)

  • Magrath Trading Store
Publication date
April 1945
J. A. Ririe


An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.7, TELiiI’HONES:'5* Office 21, Hardware 34 Dry Goods 4r3, Grocery Dept, 4r3 — i S a.m. to 6 p, m. Weds 8 a.m, to 1 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Friday Appil 6, 1945 -- M«a?rath, Allerta. MIRACLE POULTRY FEED. Transforms for quart sealer 100' each. GALLON JAR Hth 24 boles for individual feeding, 30/ each. We have our comppete stock of s- CARDBOARD FEED TROUGHS with individual feeding places. 2 for 250 Pasture Mix., Afalfa, Grass Seeds, Covers, etc. comlf^'te with fount, 650 meeicine hat . » WHITS WAR E SseeiaLly priced — STOCK UP NOW.. Cups and saucers, •»»•,.*•••»....••.210 Cere...

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