An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm. SATURDAY: 8 am. to 7 pm. WEDNESDAY: 8 am. to 1 pm. TELEPHONES: Office 21; Dry Goods Dept. 124; Groceries 4j Hardware Dept. 34. MAGRATH, ALBERTA.................................................................................................................-..THURSDAY, July 23, 1953. w z"\ • -1 x ! 1 i: If .' . \ \ :r \ SHfe: B - <E ! //.\ "’i A (© D)[ i 9' jj r; I! o;\ = I1—-, d J -J J V/f5r J—1 (J c A J \ WE HAVE AN INGLIS AUTOMATIC WASHER MACHINE CONNECTED TO THE WATER AND SEWER. COME IN AND SEE HOW EASY WASHING CAN BE WITH ONE OF THESE UNITS. THE UNIT...