Magrath Ltd. Store News (July 23, 1953)

  • Magrath Trading Store
Publication date
July 1953
J. A. Ririe


An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.STORE HOURS: 8 am. to 6 pm. SATURDAY: 8 am. to 7 pm. WEDNESDAY: 8 am. to 1 pm. TELEPHONES: Office 21; Dry Goods Dept. 124; Groceries 4j Hardware Dept. 34. MAGRATH, ALBERTA.................................................................................................................-..THURSDAY, July 23, 1953. w z"\ • -1 x ! 1 i: If .' . \ \ :r \ SHfe: B - <E ! //.\ "’i A (© D)[ i 9' jj r; I! o;\ = I1—-, d J -J J V/f5r J—1 (J c A J \ WE HAVE AN INGLIS AUTOMATIC WASHER MACHINE CONNECTED TO THE WATER AND SEWER. COME IN AND SEE HOW EASY WASHING CAN BE WITH ONE OF THESE UNITS. THE UNIT...

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