Magrath Store News (August 3, 1945)

  • Magrath Trading Store
Publication date
August 1945
J. A. Ririe


An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.I I STORE HOURS:/ 8 to 6 p.n. WED. 8 a,n» to 1 p.n. SAT, 8 a.a. to 7 p.n. MAG RATHp ALBERTA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1945. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Office 21* Hadwe, 34, Dry Goods Dopt, 4r3 Grooe&y Dapt, 4r2 High Shelf- Full Porcelain Finish in Ilvory, with Black Trim Built - in Removable Copper Re­servoir. Storage Compartment Wanning Oven and .Storage Compartment SALE...............AUGUST XI AT 3 P.M,,. .SALE. . A few pieces of Those who didn't receive any last time kindly oall for your share. Remember the date Aug, 11 at 3 P.M. About £ifty members of the Young Peoples and Sunday School gat...

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