An archive of the Magrath Trading Store News.The University of Lethbridge Library received permission from the Wes Balderson to digitize and display this content.I I STORE HOURS:/ 8 to 6 p.n. WED. 8 a,n» to 1 p.n. SAT, 8 a.a. to 7 p.n. MAG RATHp ALBERTA. FRIDAY, AUGUST 3rd, 1945. TELEPHONE NUMBERS: Office 21* Hadwe, 34, Dry Goods Dopt, 4r3 Grooe&y Dapt, 4r2 High Shelf- Full Porcelain Finish in Ilvory, with Black Trim Built - in Removable Copper Reservoir. Storage Compartment Wanning Oven and .Storage Compartment SALE...............AUGUST XI AT 3 P.M,,. .SALE. . A few pieces of Those who didn't receive any last time kindly oall for your share. Remember the date Aug, 11 at 3 P.M. About £ifty members of the Young Peoples and Sunday School gat...