五種類のκ-カゼイン調製法を比較検討した結果, 収量の点では各方法とも酸カゼイン43gより2ないし3gで有意の差は認められなかった。一方, セファデックスゲルろ過とデンプンゲル電気泳動によって純度を比較したところMckejieらのカルシューム・エタノール法とYaguchiらのセファデックス法が好結果を与えた。しかし, 純度の点で問題のあったSwaisgoodらのTCA法, Zittleのの尿素硫酸法でも, 各々セファデックス処理を加えること, 酢酸アンモンによる沈殿形成時の温度条件を厳守することにより高純度のκ-カゼインを調製しうることを認めた。A comparison of five procedures for preparing κ-casein from the acid casein of bovine milk was made based on the criterion of purity using Sephadex gel filtration and starch gel electrophoresis. There were no significant differences in yields among the five procedures, by which two to three grams of κ-casein were obtained from 43 grams of acid casein. But the κ-casein prepared using the calcium ethanol method described by Mckenjie and Wake or by the Sephadex method desc...
The milk protein β-casein (β-CN) possesses excellent functional properties and is the most abundant ...
Buffalo milk is the second most produced milk in the world after cow milk with about 13% (89.3out of...
Bovine milk proteins has been widely studied because of the strong association and relationship with...
κ-カゼインを三種の方法で調製し, 電気泳動, 超遠心分析, α_S-カゼイン安定化力等について調べた。尿素中における等電点はpH6.0であり, α_S-カゼインとは違うことが明確になった。S_は尿素...
3ないし4種類の方法で調製したκ-カゼインの不均一性を各種のゾーン電気泳動, DEAEセルロースクロマトグラフィー, セファロースゲルろ過, それに焦点電気泳動によって調べた。その結果, 調製法のいか...
Summary- Casein fractions from milk and various cheeses as weil as isolated casein standards were an...
Caとカゼインとの反応をCa濃度0∿10mMの範囲で調べた。3mM濃度で沈殿し始めるα_S-カゼインはκ-カゼインによって完全に安定化された。一方, κ-カゼイン自身もCaの存在下で会合を起こ...
Casein proteins are important escpecially for cheese making. In addition to technology and other fac...
In bovine species, β-casein (β-CN) is characterized by genetic polymorphism. The two most common pro...
In bovine species, β-casein (β-CN) is characterized by genetic polymorphism. The two most common pro...
Biopolymer casein was isolated from cow’s milk by acid coagulation, which was initiated by acetic ac...
Caseins are phosphoproteins and constitute the major protein component of bovine milk. Caseins occur...
Caseins are the most abundant protein fraction in milk, representing approximately 50-80% of its tot...
Analytical methods of ion-exchange and gel permeation chromatography were developed to determine the...
In the present study the precipitation of casein from the various milk samples such as cow milk, goa...
The milk protein β-casein (β-CN) possesses excellent functional properties and is the most abundant ...
Buffalo milk is the second most produced milk in the world after cow milk with about 13% (89.3out of...
Bovine milk proteins has been widely studied because of the strong association and relationship with...
κ-カゼインを三種の方法で調製し, 電気泳動, 超遠心分析, α_S-カゼイン安定化力等について調べた。尿素中における等電点はpH6.0であり, α_S-カゼインとは違うことが明確になった。S_は尿素...
3ないし4種類の方法で調製したκ-カゼインの不均一性を各種のゾーン電気泳動, DEAEセルロースクロマトグラフィー, セファロースゲルろ過, それに焦点電気泳動によって調べた。その結果, 調製法のいか...
Summary- Casein fractions from milk and various cheeses as weil as isolated casein standards were an...
Caとカゼインとの反応をCa濃度0∿10mMの範囲で調べた。3mM濃度で沈殿し始めるα_S-カゼインはκ-カゼインによって完全に安定化された。一方, κ-カゼイン自身もCaの存在下で会合を起こ...
Casein proteins are important escpecially for cheese making. In addition to technology and other fac...
In bovine species, β-casein (β-CN) is characterized by genetic polymorphism. The two most common pro...
In bovine species, β-casein (β-CN) is characterized by genetic polymorphism. The two most common pro...
Biopolymer casein was isolated from cow’s milk by acid coagulation, which was initiated by acetic ac...
Caseins are phosphoproteins and constitute the major protein component of bovine milk. Caseins occur...
Caseins are the most abundant protein fraction in milk, representing approximately 50-80% of its tot...
Analytical methods of ion-exchange and gel permeation chromatography were developed to determine the...
In the present study the precipitation of casein from the various milk samples such as cow milk, goa...
The milk protein β-casein (β-CN) possesses excellent functional properties and is the most abundant ...
Buffalo milk is the second most produced milk in the world after cow milk with about 13% (89.3out of...
Bovine milk proteins has been widely studied because of the strong association and relationship with...