Effects of Hypoxia and Anoxia on Survival, Energy Metabolism, and Feeding of Oyster Larvae (Crassostrea virginica, Gmelin)

  • Widdows, J
  • Newell, RIE
  • Mann, Roger L.
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Publication date
August 1989


The tolerance of Crassostrea virginica larvae to anoxia increases with developmental stage and body size. Median mortality times range from 11 h for prodissoconch larvae of 82 micro m (shell length) to 51 h for pediveliger larvae of 3 12 micro m, and 150 h for juvenile oysters. Simultaneous calorimetry and respirometry showed that in response to declining oxygen tension (P02), the rates of heat dissipation and oxygen uptake by oyster larvae are maintained independent of PO2 down to low Pc values (2 kPa for prodissoconch larvae and 8 kPa for pediveliger and juveniles). Therefore, total energy metabolism is sustained mainly by aerobic metabolism down to 2 and 4 kPa for early larval stages and juveniles, respectively. Prodissoconch larvae main...

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