Effects of acute gamma-irradiation on community structure of the aquatic microbial microcosm

  • Fuma Shoichi
  • Ishii Nobuyoshi
  • Takeda Hiroshi
  • Doi Kazutaka
  • Kawaguchi Isao
  • Shikano Shuichi
  • Tanaka Nobuyuki
  • Inamori Yuhei
Publication date
November 2010
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity


To characterise indirect effects of ionising radiation on aquatic microbial communities, effects of acute gamma-irradiation were investigated in a microcosm consisting of populations of green algae (Chlorella sp. and Scenedesmus sp.) and a blue-green alga (Tolypothrix sp.) as producer; a ciliate protozoan (Cyclidium glaucoma), rotifers (Lecane sp. and Philodina sp.) and an oligochaete (Aeolosoma hemprichi) as consumer; and more than four species of bacteria as decomposers. Population changes in the constituent organisms were observed over 160 days after irradiation. Prokaryotic community structure was also examined by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of 16S rDNA. Principle response curve analysis revealed that the populations ...

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