Tetanus: known and unknown disease

  • HOSNEDLOVÁ, Barbora
Publication date
January 2019


Tetanus is a life threatening disease caused by a toxin produced by the ubiquitous bacterium Clostridium tetani. The aim of this bachelor thesis was on the basis of ... to get information about causes of tetanus among animals in the Czech Republic and to evaluate it. There were 40 filled out questionnaires collected in total. The majority of respondents (72.5%) knew that tetanus is a dangerous disease not only for humans, but also animals. The most often affected animals were dogs (11; 27.5%), goats (10; 25%) and horses (9; 22.5%). Breeds that were affected the most were Czechoslovakien shepherd and Border collie among dogs, then White/Brown shorthaired and Anglonubian goats and Czech warmblood horses. The first described clinically symptom...

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