Investments made by entities of local self-government are perceived as a conversion of assets held by local self-government into other assets in order to achieve certain social and economic benefits. Investment potential of entities of local self-government depends on their income and costs of completing currenttasks, and also on the ease of access to external sources of funds. This paper analyses and evaluates potential financing of development by self-government in communes of Lower Silesian voivodeship from 2007 to 2012, based on selected quantitative measures.Artykuł nie zawiera abstraktu w języku polski
Financing investments is one the most important issues in the policy of local governments. One of th...
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of financing development activities in rural comm...
The article presents preliminary results of research on the effectiveness of cohesion policy in rela...
The paper presents the most common types of investments stimulating local self-government developmen...
Investments of the local government are an important determinant of development both for the regions...
Praca stanowi ogląd inwestycji jednostek samorządu terytorialnego jako instrumentu rozwoju lokalnego...
Praca poświęcona jest wykorzystaniu możliwości, jakie daje wspieranie przedsiębiorczości przez jedno...
Financing is the main challenge for development of investments of local governments entities in Pola...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of financing investments by municipalities. An...
Purpose: Management in local governments always depends on the budget possibilities of these entitie...
‘Gmina’ (i.e. a commune, a principal unit of administrative division in Poland) is required to perfo...
The main subject is to demonstrate the benefits achieved through the use of community Krzeszowice Eu...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza najważniejszych czynników, mających wpływ na kreowanie popytu inwe...
Rozwój lokalny uzależniony jest od wielu czynników zarówno egzogenicznych, jak i endoge-nicznych. Wł...
This paper focuses on the investigations of investment activity in local self-governments in terms o...
Financing investments is one the most important issues in the policy of local governments. One of th...
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of financing development activities in rural comm...
The article presents preliminary results of research on the effectiveness of cohesion policy in rela...
The paper presents the most common types of investments stimulating local self-government developmen...
Investments of the local government are an important determinant of development both for the regions...
Praca stanowi ogląd inwestycji jednostek samorządu terytorialnego jako instrumentu rozwoju lokalnego...
Praca poświęcona jest wykorzystaniu możliwości, jakie daje wspieranie przedsiębiorczości przez jedno...
Financing is the main challenge for development of investments of local governments entities in Pola...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the possibility of financing investments by municipalities. An...
Purpose: Management in local governments always depends on the budget possibilities of these entitie...
‘Gmina’ (i.e. a commune, a principal unit of administrative division in Poland) is required to perfo...
The main subject is to demonstrate the benefits achieved through the use of community Krzeszowice Eu...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest analiza najważniejszych czynników, mających wpływ na kreowanie popytu inwe...
Rozwój lokalny uzależniony jest od wielu czynników zarówno egzogenicznych, jak i endoge-nicznych. Wł...
This paper focuses on the investigations of investment activity in local self-governments in terms o...
Financing investments is one the most important issues in the policy of local governments. One of th...
The aim of the study was to assess the possibility of financing development activities in rural comm...
The article presents preliminary results of research on the effectiveness of cohesion policy in rela...