Konsep Jilbab dan Identitas Keagamaan Persepsi Mahasiswi Sebagai Calon Guru PAI

  • Tsurayya, Layli
  • Mushodiq, Muhamad Agus
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Publication date
December 2018
IAIN Metro Lampung


The research was distributed by the presence of one of the factors that affect religious expression, namely globalization. In the tradition of the religious expression of Islam, one of which can be seen through the veil. In Indonesia, the phenomenon of women veiled growing along with the development of the diversity of models and variations of the hijab. In connection with the phenomenon, the authors of driven to do research among academics, headscarves, namely Faculty of Tarbiyah PIE Coed and teacher training UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta, which notabenenya as a potential teacher PAI. This type of research is a research field that is descriptive-qualitative. The technique in the determination of the subject of the research that the author ...

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