University of Minnesota, Morris production of The Dark Castle by Sally Netzel and directed by Siobhan Bremer. Synopsis: The Dark Castle highlights the journey of a handsome, but not-so-bright, young man, named Dimwit, on his way to save the downtrodden duchess Lumina, who is caught in the clutches of her evil uncle, the Baron. Lumina refuses to give up hope that one day a suitor may overcome the impossible tasks her uncle has set forth and rescue her. Even as Lumina\u27s light begins to fade, her ladies-in-waiting--Lady Nozzle, Lady Ogle, and Lady Murmer--stay faithfully by her side. Inspired by the goodness that Lumina still radiates, Dimwit is helped along his way by a hermit named Hiccup and three formers suitors--Sir Grope, Sir Clamor, ...