Title taken from caption of woodcut.Depiction of early 17th century whaling practices. The background shows the whale being hunted, the foreground shows the whale being slaughtered
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of the Aloes, a fish that looks like a goose. In the foreg...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Full caption reads "Figure d'un Monstre fort hideux ayant les ma...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of tapping Frankincense trees for their sap, producing the...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Woodcut depicts a mythical sea beast known as the Caspilly. The ...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a Sea Calf, found in Norway. Also known as a Sea Lion
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a Thanacth being hunted. The Thanacth is a monster with...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of harvesting cinnamon from the bark of cinnamon trees
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Woodcut depicts the mythical Vletif, the Licorn of the Sea that ...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a sea-horse, commonly known as a hippocampus
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Animal whose stinger is said to cause extreme pain or unconsciou...
Artifact Label: John Harris (1667?-1719)Navigantium Atque Itinerantium BibliothecaLondon: Printed fo...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Creature with the head of a man and the body of a pig
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Caption names the fish as the Hedgehog of the Sea. Sea Hedgehog ...
Artifact Label: William Jardine (1800-1874) The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea or Whales ...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a large flying fish found near Venice. Most likely an e...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of the Aloes, a fish that looks like a goose. In the foreg...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Full caption reads "Figure d'un Monstre fort hideux ayant les ma...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of tapping Frankincense trees for their sap, producing the...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Woodcut depicts a mythical sea beast known as the Caspilly. The ...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a Sea Calf, found in Norway. Also known as a Sea Lion
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a Thanacth being hunted. The Thanacth is a monster with...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of harvesting cinnamon from the bark of cinnamon trees
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Woodcut depicts the mythical Vletif, the Licorn of the Sea that ...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a sea-horse, commonly known as a hippocampus
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Animal whose stinger is said to cause extreme pain or unconsciou...
Artifact Label: John Harris (1667?-1719)Navigantium Atque Itinerantium BibliothecaLondon: Printed fo...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Creature with the head of a man and the body of a pig
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Caption names the fish as the Hedgehog of the Sea. Sea Hedgehog ...
Artifact Label: William Jardine (1800-1874) The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea or Whales ...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of a large flying fish found near Venice. Most likely an e...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of the Aloes, a fish that looks like a goose. In the foreg...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Full caption reads "Figure d'un Monstre fort hideux ayant les ma...
Title taken from caption of woodcut.Image of tapping Frankincense trees for their sap, producing the...