Red pottery bowl with black abstract designs.
Blue and green ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Red clay bowl with southwestern designs - possibly purchased during Kelly\u27s travels to inspire th...
Blue and green ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Red pottery bowl with black abstract designs.
Red pottery bowl with black designs. (No identifying marks)
Red pottery bowl with handle, no identifying markings.
Red orange and white southwest inspired bowl with organic shapes
UND Pottery bowl, Santa Domingo slip, geometric designs on outside. Black inside.https://commons.und...
Earthenware bowl painted in black and white lines, circles, dashes and curvilinear forms
Small brown and white abstract design bowl, terra-cotta colored bottom and inside rim. ACOM 2 hand-w...
Red with dark stripes with dark interior. Bentonite bowl
Brown bowl with geometric line designs etched in.
Green and blue ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Large black bowl with line design on exterior. Green and black interior.
Red bentonite cup with handle, black line designs on inside and outside.
Blue and green ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Red clay bowl with southwestern designs - possibly purchased during Kelly\u27s travels to inspire th...
Blue and green ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Red pottery bowl with black abstract designs.
Red pottery bowl with black designs. (No identifying marks)
Red pottery bowl with handle, no identifying markings.
Red orange and white southwest inspired bowl with organic shapes
UND Pottery bowl, Santa Domingo slip, geometric designs on outside. Black inside.https://commons.und...
Earthenware bowl painted in black and white lines, circles, dashes and curvilinear forms
Small brown and white abstract design bowl, terra-cotta colored bottom and inside rim. ACOM 2 hand-w...
Red with dark stripes with dark interior. Bentonite bowl
Brown bowl with geometric line designs etched in.
Green and blue ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Large black bowl with line design on exterior. Green and black interior.
Red bentonite cup with handle, black line designs on inside and outside.
Blue and green ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.
Red clay bowl with southwestern designs - possibly purchased during Kelly\u27s travels to inspire th...
Blue and green ceramic hand built bowl on square pedestal.