Pink/Red and green pot wit incised floral design.
Flat bowl - Green and red roses.
Small red pot with wheat design. Huck 32 etched in bottom.
Pink fading to brown pot, 5 relief images; stylized art deco flowers around outsidehttps://commons.u...
White glaze, blue and green floral motif
Small red vase with prairie rose floral motif.
Dark green pot with women heads and geometric designs.
Red with geometric design on black pot. Donated by Clara Ingvalson Gray.
Pink, green pot, flower pattern on top quarter.
Green with dark green floral motif near lip.
Small yellow pot, floral image on clay body.
Peacock and flower motif on pot.
Dark blue with green floral motif.
Green and blue floral design pot. Art deco.
Brown-green fern motif, octagon-shaped pot.
Green with dark hay stack silhouettes.
Flat bowl - Green and red roses.
Small red pot with wheat design. Huck 32 etched in bottom.
Pink fading to brown pot, 5 relief images; stylized art deco flowers around outsidehttps://commons.u...
White glaze, blue and green floral motif
Small red vase with prairie rose floral motif.
Dark green pot with women heads and geometric designs.
Red with geometric design on black pot. Donated by Clara Ingvalson Gray.
Pink, green pot, flower pattern on top quarter.
Green with dark green floral motif near lip.
Small yellow pot, floral image on clay body.
Peacock and flower motif on pot.
Dark blue with green floral motif.
Green and blue floral design pot. Art deco.
Brown-green fern motif, octagon-shaped pot.
Green with dark hay stack silhouettes.
Flat bowl - Green and red roses.
Small red pot with wheat design. Huck 32 etched in bottom.
Pink fading to brown pot, 5 relief images; stylized art deco flowers around outsidehttps://commons.u...