The University of North Dakota Global Visions Film Series begins a new this year at 7 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 24, with the 2011 American documentary The Interrupters , in the Memorial Union Lecture Bowl. This fall marks the series 11th year at UND. This year\u27s other films in the series are: Compliance , 2011 fictional thriller, Tuesday, Oct. 8. Blue Like Jazz , 2012 fictional comedy, Tuesday, Oct. 22. Invictus , 2009 fictional drama, Tuesday, Nov. 5. Amreeka , 2009 fictional drama, Tuesday, Nov. 19. Bless Me Ultima , 2013 fictional drama, Tuesday, Dec. 3. Many of the films in the Global Visions Film Series are award winning national and international films, whose cinematic acuity and artistic...