Blue pin dish with cross in crown relief.
Dark blue low medium sized flower bowl.
Dark green and blue flat bowl. AGR etched in bottom.
Green pin tray with Indigenous portrait depicted in center
Baby blue pot with wave and flower design
Blue bowl with flower design at bottom.
Small greenish low straight sided bowl.
Small ashtray-shaped bowl. Light purple-blue.
Large bowl, light blue inside, light jade on the outside
White bowl with blue floral design interior center.
Small dark blue cable pottery bowl.
Ox, cart and farmer coaster, blue colored.
Shallow bowl with light blue outside and light green/aqua inside.
Pottery bowl, tan outside, blue inside.
Blue-purple bowl with lid, like in style as C MSC 261-834 Donated By: Lynn and Don Millerhttps://com...
Blue fading to light blue vase, rim has chip in it.
Dark blue low medium sized flower bowl.
Dark green and blue flat bowl. AGR etched in bottom.
Green pin tray with Indigenous portrait depicted in center
Baby blue pot with wave and flower design
Blue bowl with flower design at bottom.
Small greenish low straight sided bowl.
Small ashtray-shaped bowl. Light purple-blue.
Large bowl, light blue inside, light jade on the outside
White bowl with blue floral design interior center.
Small dark blue cable pottery bowl.
Ox, cart and farmer coaster, blue colored.
Shallow bowl with light blue outside and light green/aqua inside.
Pottery bowl, tan outside, blue inside.
Blue-purple bowl with lid, like in style as C MSC 261-834 Donated By: Lynn and Don Millerhttps://com...
Blue fading to light blue vase, rim has chip in it.
Dark blue low medium sized flower bowl.
Dark green and blue flat bowl. AGR etched in bottom.
Green pin tray with Indigenous portrait depicted in center