Pension plan dimaknai sebagai suatu upaya untuk menyediakan pendapatan bagi pegawai atau karyawan di suatu isntansi/perusahaan/organisasi disaat mereka menghadapi masa pensiun. Lembaga yang mengatur rencana pensiun ini di Indonesia disebut dengan dana pensiun. Dalam program Pension plan sangat terkait dengan masalah kontribusi dan benefit. Dalam pelunasan kontribusi oleh peserta pension plan ada kalanya mengalami kegagalan yang disebut unfuded sehingga perlu dilakukan perhitungan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan adalah Spread Deficits method. Spread Deficits adalah suatu metode alternatif dalam penentuan pendanaan pensiun bagi perusahaan dana pensiun jika terjadi unfuded. Kata Kunci : Pension Plan, Spread Deficits, unfunded, presen...
Financial planning is the process of planning long-term and short-term financial goals. These goals...
Supplemental costs in funding pension plan is a cost to be issued by the employer to the pension fun...
Supplemental costs in funding pension plan is a cost to be issued by the employer to the pension fun...
In order to improve the lives of the people of Indonesia, the government established savings for civ...
In addition to mandated in the Constitution of 1945, the pension insurance program for all citizens ...
Abstract This research was conducted at PT.ASABRI (Persero) Medan Branch to find out how the fund di...
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of financial literacy, attitudes toward pensio...
Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Syariah.Dana Pensiun adalah badan hukum yang mengelola da...
This paper discusses the importance of pension fund which is a non-banking financial institution tha...
Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Syariah.Dana Pensiun adalah badan hukum yang mengelola da...
Perencanaan dana untuk hari tua dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti program pensiun. Program pensiun me...
This study aims to review the practice of accounting application of pension programs in entities wit...
This study aims to review the practice of accounting application of pension programs in entities wit...
A pension program is a program that provides regular payments to pension plan participants and is gi...
Company pension funds grow by accumulation of funds so as to generate income from investment interes...
Financial planning is the process of planning long-term and short-term financial goals. These goals...
Supplemental costs in funding pension plan is a cost to be issued by the employer to the pension fun...
Supplemental costs in funding pension plan is a cost to be issued by the employer to the pension fun...
In order to improve the lives of the people of Indonesia, the government established savings for civ...
In addition to mandated in the Constitution of 1945, the pension insurance program for all citizens ...
Abstract This research was conducted at PT.ASABRI (Persero) Medan Branch to find out how the fund di...
The purpose of this research is to know the influence of financial literacy, attitudes toward pensio...
Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Syariah.Dana Pensiun adalah badan hukum yang mengelola da...
This paper discusses the importance of pension fund which is a non-banking financial institution tha...
Dana Pensiun dalam Perspektif Hukum Bisnis Syariah.Dana Pensiun adalah badan hukum yang mengelola da...
Perencanaan dana untuk hari tua dapat dilakukan dengan mengikuti program pensiun. Program pensiun me...
This study aims to review the practice of accounting application of pension programs in entities wit...
This study aims to review the practice of accounting application of pension programs in entities wit...
A pension program is a program that provides regular payments to pension plan participants and is gi...
Company pension funds grow by accumulation of funds so as to generate income from investment interes...
Financial planning is the process of planning long-term and short-term financial goals. These goals...
Supplemental costs in funding pension plan is a cost to be issued by the employer to the pension fun...
Supplemental costs in funding pension plan is a cost to be issued by the employer to the pension fun...