This is an unprecedented first novel by a native son of Nanking, set during the first six days after the fall of the city to the Japanese imperial army in December of 1937. Shouhua Qi has crafted a diverse array of characters: Chinese, Japanese, and several Westerners, including historical figures such as John Rabe and Minnie Vautrin, who saved thousands of Chinese from death, and shows how their lives intertwine amid a ruined city on the brink of genocide. Like no other before, Qi\u27s unique voice profoundly captures the essence of his hometown, and the struggles faced by generations of Chinese as they exorcise demons of popular memory.
This study focuses on Meiji-period Japanese engagement with the late imperial Chinese novel Sequel t...
For more than a century, the United States and China have been partners in an occasionally graceful,...
Sterk translates the literary work Dr. Bethune\u27s children 《白求恩的孩子們》, written by Xue Yiwei (薛憶溈)...
Advisors: Ibis Gomez-Vega.Committee members: James R. Giles; Mark Van Wienen.Includes bibliographica...
In 1920, Han Bikong is born the eighth child of an affluent landowning family in the Shanghai countr...
Mulberry and Peach is a novel written in the 1970s by a Chinese American writer named Nie Hualing (1...
After decades of national amnesia in Mainland China, the Nanjing Massacre—mass murders and rapes com...
Qin Huilong is a self-taught artist known for his detail-oriented traditional realistic Chinese brus...
China dazzled the world with Olympic pageantry and athletic prowess; however, an equally inspiring p...
The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world. The construction of t...
In the autumn of 1998, nine months before the Tiananmen Uprising, Sandra Hutchison traveled to Anhui...
Book synopsis: One of the most-talked about works of fiction to emerge from China in recent years, t...
Everyone’s attention this month has been on the Olympics, and rightly so, but August can also be a t...
Nien Chang (January 28, 1915 – November 2, 2009) was a Chinese author who recounted her harrowing ex...
After the end of the Qing dynasty in 1911, China experienced a breakdown in governmental influence. ...
This study focuses on Meiji-period Japanese engagement with the late imperial Chinese novel Sequel t...
For more than a century, the United States and China have been partners in an occasionally graceful,...
Sterk translates the literary work Dr. Bethune\u27s children 《白求恩的孩子們》, written by Xue Yiwei (薛憶溈)...
Advisors: Ibis Gomez-Vega.Committee members: James R. Giles; Mark Van Wienen.Includes bibliographica...
In 1920, Han Bikong is born the eighth child of an affluent landowning family in the Shanghai countr...
Mulberry and Peach is a novel written in the 1970s by a Chinese American writer named Nie Hualing (1...
After decades of national amnesia in Mainland China, the Nanjing Massacre—mass murders and rapes com...
Qin Huilong is a self-taught artist known for his detail-oriented traditional realistic Chinese brus...
China dazzled the world with Olympic pageantry and athletic prowess; however, an equally inspiring p...
The Three Gorges Dam is the largest hydro-electric power station in the world. The construction of t...
In the autumn of 1998, nine months before the Tiananmen Uprising, Sandra Hutchison traveled to Anhui...
Book synopsis: One of the most-talked about works of fiction to emerge from China in recent years, t...
Everyone’s attention this month has been on the Olympics, and rightly so, but August can also be a t...
Nien Chang (January 28, 1915 – November 2, 2009) was a Chinese author who recounted her harrowing ex...
After the end of the Qing dynasty in 1911, China experienced a breakdown in governmental influence. ...
This study focuses on Meiji-period Japanese engagement with the late imperial Chinese novel Sequel t...
For more than a century, the United States and China have been partners in an occasionally graceful,...
Sterk translates the literary work Dr. Bethune\u27s children 《白求恩的孩子們》, written by Xue Yiwei (薛憶溈)...