Mean values for each Bioclim variable used in subsequent statistical analyses for each taxon as well as their character coding (bulb = 0, corm =1, rhizome = 2, tuber = 3, non-geophyte = 4)
CMCC-BioClimInd is a new global gridded dataset of bioclimatic indicators at 0.5° by 0.5 °resolution...
<p>“WC4” indicates the model calibration using the WorldClim baseline climate information and four b...
<p>Final predictor variable set for Random Forest modeling. All variables were calculated as a 30-ye...
<p>The black solid horizontal line represents the median, the square symbol represents the mean, edg...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
The data are species climatic means (bio1 through bio19 extracted from WorldClim database for all lo...
Specific climatic variables include: Min Temperature of Coldest Month (BIO6), Annual Mean Temperatur...
Data and code for the project "Global patterns of plant functional traits and their relationships to...
This file includes values for every climate variable from WorldClim for every species (for variable ...
<p>Signif. codes: ** <i>p</i><0.01, * <i>p</i><0.05; Residual standard error: 0.615 on 43 degrees of...
<p>Bioclimatic variables used for modeling habitat of Chinese caterpillar fungus.</p
<p>Climate data are derived from WorldClim database including mean annual temperature (MAT), maximum...
<p>For the climatic characterization of the sites, we first calculated the values for the 19 BIOCLIM...
<p>Values represent the range or mean±SD.</p><p>PhytOC fluxes associated with different plant specie...
The file includes mean climate variables from WorldClim and mean elevation for every species
CMCC-BioClimInd is a new global gridded dataset of bioclimatic indicators at 0.5° by 0.5 °resolution...
<p>“WC4” indicates the model calibration using the WorldClim baseline climate information and four b...
<p>Final predictor variable set for Random Forest modeling. All variables were calculated as a 30-ye...
<p>The black solid horizontal line represents the median, the square symbol represents the mean, edg...
<p>0.7, 0.8, 0.9 refer to threshold of the maximum correlation (Spearman’s rank) between BioClim var...
The data are species climatic means (bio1 through bio19 extracted from WorldClim database for all lo...
Specific climatic variables include: Min Temperature of Coldest Month (BIO6), Annual Mean Temperatur...
Data and code for the project "Global patterns of plant functional traits and their relationships to...
This file includes values for every climate variable from WorldClim for every species (for variable ...
<p>Signif. codes: ** <i>p</i><0.01, * <i>p</i><0.05; Residual standard error: 0.615 on 43 degrees of...
<p>Bioclimatic variables used for modeling habitat of Chinese caterpillar fungus.</p
<p>Climate data are derived from WorldClim database including mean annual temperature (MAT), maximum...
<p>For the climatic characterization of the sites, we first calculated the values for the 19 BIOCLIM...
<p>Values represent the range or mean±SD.</p><p>PhytOC fluxes associated with different plant specie...
The file includes mean climate variables from WorldClim and mean elevation for every species
CMCC-BioClimInd is a new global gridded dataset of bioclimatic indicators at 0.5° by 0.5 °resolution...
<p>“WC4” indicates the model calibration using the WorldClim baseline climate information and four b...
<p>Final predictor variable set for Random Forest modeling. All variables were calculated as a 30-ye...