Vcf.gz file of RAD-sequencing derived SNP variants called in 178 samples of *V lantanoides* and 1 sample each of *V. furcatum* and *sympodiale*. SNPs are shared among a minimum of 4 samples each
Compressed vcf (variant call format) file containing the genetic data for the 206,047 single nucleot...
VCF file containing filtered polymorphic SNPs from 2bRAD sequencing. The file contains the genotypes...
This file contains SNPs used in Flowers et al. (2019) Cross-species hybridization and the origin of ...
The VCF file sontains information on the genetic variants (SNPs) identified by exome resequencing ge...
Data file containing the final (filtered) variants for all individuals that were used to build the s...
This text file contains the filtered genetic data (SNP set) in variant call format (vcf). This inclu...
VCF (variant call format 4.0) file of SNP genotypes for 191 white-footed mice generated using ddRAD-...
Variant call format (VCF) file for 16 Gopherus polyphemus samples for the publication: Elbers, J.P.,...
The filtered VCF file containing SNPs detected from four Vitis species in East Asia and Vitis vinife...
The VCF file containing alll SNPs identified by STACKS. This file was filtered and further used to a...
This is a .vcf file produced by calling variant genetic sites using samtools and bcftools. For each ...
Contains three genotype files (VCF) using either all twelve outcrossing populations, all eight selfi...
Variant Call Format file (GZipped) for individuals used for genotype-phenotype associations. Sample ...
VCF file with ddRad-seq dataset. This dataset comprises 8788 polymorphic loci in a sample of 300 ind...
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data for Galeolaria caespitosa and G. gemineoa in VCF format.</p
Compressed vcf (variant call format) file containing the genetic data for the 206,047 single nucleot...
VCF file containing filtered polymorphic SNPs from 2bRAD sequencing. The file contains the genotypes...
This file contains SNPs used in Flowers et al. (2019) Cross-species hybridization and the origin of ...
The VCF file sontains information on the genetic variants (SNPs) identified by exome resequencing ge...
Data file containing the final (filtered) variants for all individuals that were used to build the s...
This text file contains the filtered genetic data (SNP set) in variant call format (vcf). This inclu...
VCF (variant call format 4.0) file of SNP genotypes for 191 white-footed mice generated using ddRAD-...
Variant call format (VCF) file for 16 Gopherus polyphemus samples for the publication: Elbers, J.P.,...
The filtered VCF file containing SNPs detected from four Vitis species in East Asia and Vitis vinife...
The VCF file containing alll SNPs identified by STACKS. This file was filtered and further used to a...
This is a .vcf file produced by calling variant genetic sites using samtools and bcftools. For each ...
Contains three genotype files (VCF) using either all twelve outcrossing populations, all eight selfi...
Variant Call Format file (GZipped) for individuals used for genotype-phenotype associations. Sample ...
VCF file with ddRad-seq dataset. This dataset comprises 8788 polymorphic loci in a sample of 300 ind...
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism data for Galeolaria caespitosa and G. gemineoa in VCF format.</p
Compressed vcf (variant call format) file containing the genetic data for the 206,047 single nucleot...
VCF file containing filtered polymorphic SNPs from 2bRAD sequencing. The file contains the genotypes...
This file contains SNPs used in Flowers et al. (2019) Cross-species hybridization and the origin of ...