R Markdown file with code for data clean-up, data preparation, and data analysis, used to conduct all the analyses reported in the manuscript and the supplement and to generate all the corresponding figures
Data and R code to reproduce analyses and figures. R code is given in .Rmd & R files. The .Rmd files...
R code for all data analysis and figure creation in Rmd format. New version finalized on May 6, 2019
This ZIP archive includes all the raw data and R code used to generate the figures for our paper. We...
This rmarkdown file (.Rmd) includes the code to conduct the data analysis and create Figs 1 to 5. (R...
The zipped file contains an RMD file and corresponding data used in this analysis
The R markdown document detailing the analysis used to generate the data in Table 1 of Shingleton 20...
This file contains original code for all the analyses of the paper. It can be run (after installing ...
This folder provides R codes (in the form of .Rmd) and outputs (as .html or .pdf) of analyses perfor...
R file containing the code for all statistical analyses and figures found in the manuscript partiall...
All of the R code used for statistical analyses in this study; in the form of an RMarkdown fil
The R code used for data analysis and plotting in "Energy and the scaling of animal space use", prov...
Markdown 'rmd' with the code and functions used to analyze the simulated datasets
R Markdown script for analyses and raw data presented in the Manuscript Moury et al. 2021, doi: http...
Contains the R markdown files that were used to generate the Figures from the main text (Figures.Rmd...
HTML generated by knitting the corresponding markdown file, displaying notes, code, and code output
Data and R code to reproduce analyses and figures. R code is given in .Rmd & R files. The .Rmd files...
R code for all data analysis and figure creation in Rmd format. New version finalized on May 6, 2019
This ZIP archive includes all the raw data and R code used to generate the figures for our paper. We...
This rmarkdown file (.Rmd) includes the code to conduct the data analysis and create Figs 1 to 5. (R...
The zipped file contains an RMD file and corresponding data used in this analysis
The R markdown document detailing the analysis used to generate the data in Table 1 of Shingleton 20...
This file contains original code for all the analyses of the paper. It can be run (after installing ...
This folder provides R codes (in the form of .Rmd) and outputs (as .html or .pdf) of analyses perfor...
R file containing the code for all statistical analyses and figures found in the manuscript partiall...
All of the R code used for statistical analyses in this study; in the form of an RMarkdown fil
The R code used for data analysis and plotting in "Energy and the scaling of animal space use", prov...
Markdown 'rmd' with the code and functions used to analyze the simulated datasets
R Markdown script for analyses and raw data presented in the Manuscript Moury et al. 2021, doi: http...
Contains the R markdown files that were used to generate the Figures from the main text (Figures.Rmd...
HTML generated by knitting the corresponding markdown file, displaying notes, code, and code output
Data and R code to reproduce analyses and figures. R code is given in .Rmd & R files. The .Rmd files...
R code for all data analysis and figure creation in Rmd format. New version finalized on May 6, 2019
This ZIP archive includes all the raw data and R code used to generate the figures for our paper. We...