BRFSS data are stored in BRFSS BMI.csv in CSV format. This file contains two columns: year t, BMI in year t
Main data from which analyses in Morimoto et al. 2019. are performed. The file is a .csv format. For...
Metabolic rates before and after leg loss for males and females in PDF format. Data are also availab...
CSV formatted infile with clutch size data. (Also represented in the excel file.
BRFSS data are stored in BRFSS BMI.csv in CSV format. This file contains two columns: year t, BMI in...
Directly measured NHANES data are stored in NHANES DM.csv in CSV format. This file contains four col...
Northwestern Medicine (NU) data are stored in NU.csv comma separated values (CSV) format. This file ...
Self-reported NHANES data are stored in NHANES SR.csv in CSV format. This file contains five colums:...
<div>In here all csv files and excel sheets used for statistical analyses are stored.</div><div>The ...
A flat comma-separated-value file created by combining data from 560 nutritional anthropometry surve...
Metadata for file 'species_diet_pcoa_scores.csv' as CSV file with first column describing original c...
This .csv file contains the two-year time series of the hourly counts of fish that were used in the ...
Data S1 - csv file for DFE-alpha meta-analysis<br>Data S2 - csv file for SnIPRE<br
This file contains data and code to replicate estimates contained in "Obesity may not shift severe C...
This file contains annual values of thermal growing season length for 1950-2021 in NETCDF4 format
Readme text file providing an overview of the data, and descriptions of what the columns in *.csv fi...
Main data from which analyses in Morimoto et al. 2019. are performed. The file is a .csv format. For...
Metabolic rates before and after leg loss for males and females in PDF format. Data are also availab...
CSV formatted infile with clutch size data. (Also represented in the excel file.
BRFSS data are stored in BRFSS BMI.csv in CSV format. This file contains two columns: year t, BMI in...
Directly measured NHANES data are stored in NHANES DM.csv in CSV format. This file contains four col...
Northwestern Medicine (NU) data are stored in NU.csv comma separated values (CSV) format. This file ...
Self-reported NHANES data are stored in NHANES SR.csv in CSV format. This file contains five colums:...
<div>In here all csv files and excel sheets used for statistical analyses are stored.</div><div>The ...
A flat comma-separated-value file created by combining data from 560 nutritional anthropometry surve...
Metadata for file 'species_diet_pcoa_scores.csv' as CSV file with first column describing original c...
This .csv file contains the two-year time series of the hourly counts of fish that were used in the ...
Data S1 - csv file for DFE-alpha meta-analysis<br>Data S2 - csv file for SnIPRE<br
This file contains data and code to replicate estimates contained in "Obesity may not shift severe C...
This file contains annual values of thermal growing season length for 1950-2021 in NETCDF4 format
Readme text file providing an overview of the data, and descriptions of what the columns in *.csv fi...
Main data from which analyses in Morimoto et al. 2019. are performed. The file is a .csv format. For...
Metabolic rates before and after leg loss for males and females in PDF format. Data are also availab...
CSV formatted infile with clutch size data. (Also represented in the excel file.