Appendix 2 from study. Includes supplementary methods, table captions, figures, and references
Contains technical details about different steps addressed in separate sections: 1) Missing data stu...
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
A summary table of simulation study results, for all conditions and all parameters
Contains additional methodological details, and additional results in the form of figures and tables
Full reference list for studies considered in the Supplement for this meta-analysis
Supporting methods, including detailed descriptions of experimental methods and (supporting) statist...
S1 Appendix, sectional-line-and-landmark-based analysis; and S2 Appendix, results of the sectional-l...
Methods and a table of studies used in the literature review of subsidy quality and use
All measurements, morphometric, and statistical data associated with this project and referred to wi...
All measurements, morphometric, and statistical data associated with this project and referred to wi...
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
Additional description of methods including belowground and aboveground instrumentation, analysis, a...
This zip archive contains a PDF file that includes supplementary methodological details, and details...
A summary of the data gathered from papers used in the meta-analysis reported here
A table presenting species, their geographic locations, and studies used in the database
Contains technical details about different steps addressed in separate sections: 1) Missing data stu...
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
A summary table of simulation study results, for all conditions and all parameters
Contains additional methodological details, and additional results in the form of figures and tables
Full reference list for studies considered in the Supplement for this meta-analysis
Supporting methods, including detailed descriptions of experimental methods and (supporting) statist...
S1 Appendix, sectional-line-and-landmark-based analysis; and S2 Appendix, results of the sectional-l...
Methods and a table of studies used in the literature review of subsidy quality and use
All measurements, morphometric, and statistical data associated with this project and referred to wi...
All measurements, morphometric, and statistical data associated with this project and referred to wi...
Details of study site, experimental setup, statistical methods, and supplementary results, including...
Additional description of methods including belowground and aboveground instrumentation, analysis, a...
This zip archive contains a PDF file that includes supplementary methodological details, and details...
A summary of the data gathered from papers used in the meta-analysis reported here
A table presenting species, their geographic locations, and studies used in the database
Contains technical details about different steps addressed in separate sections: 1) Missing data stu...
Supplementary photo of the study species and additional distribution information
A summary table of simulation study results, for all conditions and all parameters