Raw data used to estimate the predatory characteristics (prey preferences, functional response - FR) of Philodromus and Dictyna spiders
This data is from an experiment where the activity level (behavior) and mussel prey consumption rate...
Main data file: food intake and reproduction data at the level of individual spider
Analysis of predator - prey interactions is a core concept of animal ecology, explaining structure a...
Raw data used to estimate the predatory characteristics (prey preferences, functional response - FR)...
Spider species [Spp], Individual ID [ID], body size [Pwidt], capture web volume [webvol], latency to...
There is an urgent need of increasing the knowledge about natural enemies of Philaenus spumarius and...
Data on spider-prey interactions including metadata and brief description of the methods
A major goal of gut-content analysis is to quantify predation rates by predators in the field, which...
Spider gut content data; information on detected prey in mean number of wolf spiders per plot and da...
Spider gut content data and predator traits; information of detected prey in individual wolf spiders...
Trial data for each of the 3 trials that each spider was subjected to. Data include reaction times, ...
It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predato...
A database of functional traits for spiders from native forests of the Iberian Peninsula and Macaron...
Predator-Prey interactions are an important component for understanding the feeding potential of the...
Data collected from funnel-web-building wolf spiders (Sosippus floridanus) in laboratory mesocosms. ...
This data is from an experiment where the activity level (behavior) and mussel prey consumption rate...
Main data file: food intake and reproduction data at the level of individual spider
Analysis of predator - prey interactions is a core concept of animal ecology, explaining structure a...
Raw data used to estimate the predatory characteristics (prey preferences, functional response - FR)...
Spider species [Spp], Individual ID [ID], body size [Pwidt], capture web volume [webvol], latency to...
There is an urgent need of increasing the knowledge about natural enemies of Philaenus spumarius and...
Data on spider-prey interactions including metadata and brief description of the methods
A major goal of gut-content analysis is to quantify predation rates by predators in the field, which...
Spider gut content data; information on detected prey in mean number of wolf spiders per plot and da...
Spider gut content data and predator traits; information of detected prey in individual wolf spiders...
Trial data for each of the 3 trials that each spider was subjected to. Data include reaction times, ...
It is well known that a predator has the potential to regulate a prey population only if the predato...
A database of functional traits for spiders from native forests of the Iberian Peninsula and Macaron...
Predator-Prey interactions are an important component for understanding the feeding potential of the...
Data collected from funnel-web-building wolf spiders (Sosippus floridanus) in laboratory mesocosms. ...
This data is from an experiment where the activity level (behavior) and mussel prey consumption rate...
Main data file: food intake and reproduction data at the level of individual spider
Analysis of predator - prey interactions is a core concept of animal ecology, explaining structure a...