Arlequin input file for population genetic analyses of U. orantus mtDNA sequences. Includes geographic structure
The file contains tables of the microsatellite genotypes, mitochondrial DNA sequences and their refe...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in Arlequin format of ticks collected from nest boxes in wood...
SNP data file for analysis of population genomic diversity and pairwise Fst in Arlequi
Arlequin input file for population genetic analyses of U. graciosus mtDNA sequences. Includes geogra...
Arlequin file, individuals were first grouped by population in DNAsp, then grouped by river drainage...
Arlequin input file for Oxynoe antillarum population genetic structure based on COI haplotypes
DNA sequences of each of the haplotypes identified in this study. This file, in conjunction with the...
Arlequin formatted input file with all mtDNA control region haplotypes recovered, sampling sites and...
Arlequin microsatellite input file from six Chelonia mydas rookeries in the Atlantic, for 15 loci
Arlequin input file for Oxynoe viridis population genetic structure based on COI haplotypes
This zipped folder contains 126 ARLEQUIN files, each containing aligned sequences (N = ~100 sequence...
This is an Arlequin file that contains counts of each mtDNA haplotype (311 bp cytb) in each collecti...
Arlequin haplotype file output from DNAsp. Place this file in the same directory as the Arlequin pro...
Input file used to run phylogenetic analyses in MrBayes including mtDNA sequences. U. nigricaudus in...
The Mc1r sequence (948 bp) data used for population genetic analyses using Arlequin ver 3.5 (Kodama ...
The file contains tables of the microsatellite genotypes, mitochondrial DNA sequences and their refe...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in Arlequin format of ticks collected from nest boxes in wood...
SNP data file for analysis of population genomic diversity and pairwise Fst in Arlequi
Arlequin input file for population genetic analyses of U. graciosus mtDNA sequences. Includes geogra...
Arlequin file, individuals were first grouped by population in DNAsp, then grouped by river drainage...
Arlequin input file for Oxynoe antillarum population genetic structure based on COI haplotypes
DNA sequences of each of the haplotypes identified in this study. This file, in conjunction with the...
Arlequin formatted input file with all mtDNA control region haplotypes recovered, sampling sites and...
Arlequin microsatellite input file from six Chelonia mydas rookeries in the Atlantic, for 15 loci
Arlequin input file for Oxynoe viridis population genetic structure based on COI haplotypes
This zipped folder contains 126 ARLEQUIN files, each containing aligned sequences (N = ~100 sequence...
This is an Arlequin file that contains counts of each mtDNA haplotype (311 bp cytb) in each collecti...
Arlequin haplotype file output from DNAsp. Place this file in the same directory as the Arlequin pro...
Input file used to run phylogenetic analyses in MrBayes including mtDNA sequences. U. nigricaudus in...
The Mc1r sequence (948 bp) data used for population genetic analyses using Arlequin ver 3.5 (Kodama ...
The file contains tables of the microsatellite genotypes, mitochondrial DNA sequences and their refe...
Alleles from seven microsatellite loci in Arlequin format of ticks collected from nest boxes in wood...
SNP data file for analysis of population genomic diversity and pairwise Fst in Arlequi