This archive contains the pseudotranscriptomes and associated files as well as a brief README document describing what each file is, how it was generated, and what it was used for
This file contains a complete description of all files in this data archive, including md5 tags, fil...
The raw data of transcriptome sequencing data of Pseudocaranx dentex skeletal muslce
This compressed archive includes multiple other files including data files (in .csv format for tabul...
This archive contains a collection of pseudo-corpora. These are text files that contain pseudo-sente...
This zip file contains output files and scripts used to generate those files from Cui et al. 2013; E...
ReadMe file detailing the locations of data files and describing the data files available in this ar...
This archive consists of a single tarball holding a file hierarchy that contains our images, data, a...
The archive includes copies, compilation code, documentation and temporary data files for the BioDee...
This compressed archive includes multiple other files including data files (in .csv format for tabul...
This readme file explains the content of the other files in this submission, which include details a...
This archive contains a ZIP archive, ``, that contains several directories and a `README`. F...
Lupo et al. 2022 Pseudomurein: Archive content for v1 Overview ... 61 directories, 769 files READ...
This file contains information related to each sample e.g. sample codes, species, family, developmen...
This file describes the contents of the other files associated with this manuscript uploaded to Drya...
This archive contains all of the intermediate data files and R-scripts needed to generate the main f...
This file contains a complete description of all files in this data archive, including md5 tags, fil...
The raw data of transcriptome sequencing data of Pseudocaranx dentex skeletal muslce
This compressed archive includes multiple other files including data files (in .csv format for tabul...
This archive contains a collection of pseudo-corpora. These are text files that contain pseudo-sente...
This zip file contains output files and scripts used to generate those files from Cui et al. 2013; E...
ReadMe file detailing the locations of data files and describing the data files available in this ar...
This archive consists of a single tarball holding a file hierarchy that contains our images, data, a...
The archive includes copies, compilation code, documentation and temporary data files for the BioDee...
This compressed archive includes multiple other files including data files (in .csv format for tabul...
This readme file explains the content of the other files in this submission, which include details a...
This archive contains a ZIP archive, ``, that contains several directories and a `README`. F...
Lupo et al. 2022 Pseudomurein: Archive content for v1 Overview ... 61 directories, 769 files READ...
This file contains information related to each sample e.g. sample codes, species, family, developmen...
This file describes the contents of the other files associated with this manuscript uploaded to Drya...
This archive contains all of the intermediate data files and R-scripts needed to generate the main f...
This file contains a complete description of all files in this data archive, including md5 tags, fil...
The raw data of transcriptome sequencing data of Pseudocaranx dentex skeletal muslce
This compressed archive includes multiple other files including data files (in .csv format for tabul...